guess what day it is

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"I really am sorry," Josh said for the billionth time that hour as you stood there waiting for him to apply red eyeliner to your eyes.

"Josh!" you barked. "Stop apologizing!"

"I feel bad!" he replied.

"You want the God honest truth?" you asked as he started to draw on the blood red eyeliner.

"W-What?" Josh said nervously.

"I'm in to that shit. Now shut the fuck up." you said while rolling your eyes.

"You're into getting spanked?" he asked with raised eyebrows and stopping what he was doing.

"I said shut the fuck up," you warned.

"You had better watch that tone of voice with me, missy." the bright yellow haired boy growled as he gripped your throat.

"Hmph~" you squeaked as a jolt of what felt like pure adrenaline shot through you.

"Oh, so you're into getting choked too, hm?" Josh spoke lowly as he pressed harder on both sides of your throat.

You bit your bottom lip, frantically nodding at him while your heart pounded against your rib cage.

"Words, kitten." he whispered in your ear as he spanked your bottom.

You gasped as he released his hold on you, quickly gripping onto his shirt to keep you steady from being lightheaded. The boy held onto your waist and pulled you up against him tightly, so close that you could feel his warm breath against your neck. It sent goosebumps across every last inch of you.

"Joshie," you muttered weakly.

"What is it, beautiful?" he asked as he placed a kiss on your neck and caressed your sides.

"Y-You're getting red eyeshadow and liner everywhere," you stressed.

"I'm only getting it on the things that would look best covered in it," the boy flirted, noting how your cheeks turned bright red.

"Like what?" you muttered knowing damn good and well what he meant.

"Well, we covered this," he spoke as he quickly squeezed your neck.

"We've covered this," he said as he harshly smacked both of your ass cheeks.

"mmm~" you whimpered while gripping his t-shirt and pressing your chest up against his.

"I think we just need to cover this," he whispered as he ran his thumb along your bottom lip.

Josh leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, quickly claiming his dominance and owning the kiss as you released multiple soft whimpers. You wrapped your arm around his neck, pulling him in deeper to the kiss as you parted your lower lip. The bright yellow haired boy slipped his tongue inside your mouth and swiped it along the roof of your mouth before pulling away.

"aw," you whined at the loss of contact.

"Oh, do you want more?" Josh chuckled.

"Please?" you asked as you sat on your bed while reaching your arms out.

"Let me take care of my dusty red hands and I'll be back," the bright yellow haired boy spoke before slipping into the bathroom and coming back out.

"C'mere," you said while puckering your lips.

Josh giggled as he got on your bed and leaned over you as you two started kissing again. The bright yellow haired boy cupped your jaw in his hand while his other held your right hip. You sucked on his lower lip, making him emit a heavenly groan. He removed his hand from your cheek, now placing both of his hands on your hips where he rocked his lap against yours.

"Shit," you moaned as he continued rubbing his bulge against your core.

"Feel good, little one?" Josh asked with a smug grin.

"Yeah," you panted. "T-Trade me."

"As you wish, baby doll." Josh said as he laid on the bed and you sat on his lap. The bright yellow haired boy sat up partially to kiss you, with you leaning in to continue moving your lips in perfect synchronization with his. You wrapped both arms around his neck and grinded yourself against him, listening to him grunt and slightly tug your hair.

"Fuck, Y/N you're right on my tip," Josh groaned as he bucked his hips against you.

"Ohhh," you moaned as he held your hips tightly against his

"That's it princess, just like that," Josh grunted with you continuing to hump him.

"J-Joshie," you panted as you felt a faint bubbling sensation in your stomach.

The bright yellow haired boy started rolling his hips up against you, timing them with when you rubbed yourself back and forwards on him. He grabbed hold of your thighs, tightly holding them and listening to you whine on top of him. You grabbed his hands, placing them on your chest and grinding down harder against him. Josh's eyes lit up as slid his hands underneath your shirt and quickly unclasped your bra. You slid down the straps and removed it from underneath your shirt, tossing it somewhere across your room. The pale boy massaged your breasts, groaning as he finally was able to touch them. He pinched at your sensitive nubs, making you moan loudly as your eyes closed shut. Josh placed his arm around your lower back and sat up with you continuing to straddle his waist. The bright yellow haired boy lifted your shirt and pulled it over your head so as to completely remove it.

"Wow," he grunted at the sight of your perfect breasts mixed with you rolling your hips against him.

Josh squeezed your breasts before he took your left nipple in his mouth and began flicking his tongue against it.

"Goddd," you moaned as your stomach started to tighten with your orgasm creeping up.

The pale teen swapped breasts and nibbled on your right nipple, making you groan as you dug your nails into his shoulders.

"Holy Hell Y/N, you're gonna make me cum," Josh panted as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Oh fuck baby girl, I'm cumming~" he moaned as he thrusted his hips up against you rapidly.

" 'm so close Joshie," you panted while biting your lower lip and feeling a sweat break across you.

"Ah, shit," the bright yellow haired boy whined from over sensitivity. He pushed you off him and flat against the mattress where he then pressed his fingers against your core and rapidly rubbed them against you.

"Oh FUCK!" you cried out as you you felt your orgasm take over you. Josh placed his fingers in front of your lips where you instinctively sucked on them in an attempt to muffle how loud you were being. You grabbed his forearm and dug your nails into him, making the bright yellow haired boy groan from the sensation.

" 'm cumminggg," you whimpered as you pulled his hands out of your mouth and shook violently against his hand.

"That's it princess, cum for me," Josh growled as your body spasmed underneath him.

"Hnf~" you whined as you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a sloppy kiss. Once you stopped twitching Josh pulled his hand away to cup your jaw and continue kissing you.

"I never thought I'd enjoy cumming over something like that," the pale boy admitted with a chuckle.

"Me neither," you said in a heavy breath.

"Here, I think you want this back," Josh said as he handed you your shirt you'd removed earlier.

"Thanks," you said with blushed cheeks.

"Mhm," he hummed happily. "I should probably get going. The feeling of jizz in your pants isn't the greatest."

"Wouldn't know, but feel free," you laughed.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Josh said as he placed a kiss on your lips.

"Okay," you muttered shyly. "Bye Joshie."

"See you later, baby girl."

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