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"Can we just talk!?! PLEASE!" Josh said with frustration.

"NO!" you screamed.

"Why the fuck not?!" the redhead asked.

"Why would we!?!" you shouted. "You didn't want to 'talk' when you watched me leave after the signing! You didn't want to 'talk' when two hours had gone by and no attempts were made to reach out to me! What? Now you feel sorry? You didn't even fucking tell me you were leaving! Tyler did! Just like how I didn't know about the bet you made to fuck me in school, someone else had to! What the hell else are you hiding!? I can't fucking trust you, Josh! I'm NOT leaving my life behind to go with you on tour just to get hurt again." 

"I didn't know what to say in the moment because I knew you'd hate me again! Tyler wasn't supposed to say anything, either and I told him not to! I wanted to tell to tell you myself but obviously he fucked that up. And I did." Josh muttered. 

"What? Were you gonna tell me once you were already out of Kansas and about to perform? Is that what is was? You didn't tell me you were in some huge ass band, you didn't tell me you were leaving, you didn't tell me anything. And now I'm stuck here, alone because you ruined my relationship with Kellin, and with a bottle of Vodka trying to drown out the fact that I ever crossed paths with you again. I cannot stand you! You're just a massive fucking liar!" you hissed. 

"What the hell are you talking about!?!I haven't lied about anything! You're the one sitting here leading me on and giving me mixed signals about whether or not you still want me! I should be mad at YOU!" the redhead commented. "It's been ten fucking years, Y/N! Get over it!"

"Don't tell me to get over it! You don't know what I went through when you left!" you snapped.

"THEN TELL ME!" Josh argued.

"Why the hell would I tell you anything when you don't do that in return?" you challenged.

"Fine." the drummer said as he grabbed your desk chair and sat in it. "What do you want to know? Ask me. Right here, right now. No lies and I'll answer whatever the hell you want. Go."

Well that was unexpected. you thought.

"Why do you keep trying to make us happen again?" you fumed. 

Josh sat there silently while chewing his bottom lip until it was raw. 

"Please just fucking leave." you sighed as you laid in your bed and pulled the blankets over yourself.

"...b-because I...I..." Josh stuttered.


"No, because I'm not doing that to you again!" the redhead insisted. 

"If you really like and miss me as much as you say, and want me to be happy, then you would." you advised. While still underneath your blanket and hidden from Josh's sight, you heard the sound of your desk chair rolling presumably back into it's spot by your desk as Josh prepared to leave.

"I hope that one of these days when you meet someone, they ignite a fire in your chest that never goes out.. And I pray that you never have to experience the most painful, agonizing truths you'll ever come to find..." he spoke as he stood in front of your bedroom doorway about to leave. "...when they aren't always the one you get to spend the rest of your life with."

You heard the bedroom door close quietly behind him. It felt like someone had kicked you in your stomach and poured acid on your heart. His words cut so deeply that it felt like nothing was real.

Josh was putting his hand on the doorknob of the front door about to leave your home as you called out for him.


"What." he said quietly while staring at the front door.

"I want to be with you," you declared. "I want to wake up to you every morning, and I want to hear you laugh at my stupid jokes, and I want to forever feel your lips kiss mine while I hold you in my arms-"

"You do?" he wondered nervously.

"Yes, you're the fire in my chest, and I tried and tried and it won't fucking go out,"you sighed as you wiped your tears away with the back of your hand. "I need you and I can't...I can't function when I think of not having you by my side,"


"Please fucking take me back," you begged as you grabbed his hand and held on to it tightly. "I'll come with you on tour and leave this shit hole behind if it means being able to have us together this time-"

"Please stop-"

"Josh, I'm so fucking sorry," you said with your breath hitching between tears. 

"Y/N. I need you to please stop talking, and go pack. Okay?" Josh said with glossy eyes and a small smile. 

"Okay," you said while nodding frantically as a smile spread across your lips.

"We only have 45 minutes until Tyler flips the fuck out over us not leaving, so I need you to hurry." the redhead noted.

"Alright, I shouldn't be more than 15 minutes," you added as you turned around and walked towards your room.

"Then you can wait for 30 minutes until you start gathering your things." Josh said with a smug grin as he grabbed your waist from behind you.

"Huh?" you asked with a furrowed brow. "Why would I wait-"

The redhead lifted his hand around your throat as he held you against him, wrapping his hands around your either side and pressing down. You let out a tiny whimper while biting your lower lip.

"You think you're gonna have me catch you touching my property and not punish you?" Josh said with a dark chuckle. "Not to mention the fact that you decided to curse at me a majority of the day and in front of people, too."

"Josh, I don't think we have time-"

The redhead tightened his grip as he choked you and pushed you up against the wall, ghosting his lips over yours as he rolled his hips against yours to where you felt his cock through his sweatpants. You grabbed hold of his t-shirt and held him up against you tighter while you bucked your hips against his and let out a small moan.

"Listen. To. Me. You've been a very bad girl and need to be punished. Your clothes are already off, and now it's time to get what you deserve. Now go." he growled as he released his grip and pointed towards your bedroom.

"Yes, daddy," you muttered as you quickly walked into your bedroom and waited for Josh to sit down on your bed. The redhead entered your room and took a seat. 

"This is going to be the routine for when you decide to misbehave with me. Now, get over my knee so I can teach you about discipline." he said lowly.

"Okay, daddy," you spoke with goosebumps rising on your skin as you bent over his legs and awaited your 'punishment'.



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