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"This hotel looks expensive," you said as you looked around your suite in awe.

"It is." Josh laughed as he picked you up bridal style and carried you into the bedroom.

"Yes?" you smirked as he laid you down on the bed and smiled.

"I wanna try something new. Are you up for it?" he questioned.

"Depends on what it is." you replied.

"Nothing too crazy. Just tying you up and having my way with you." he chuckled. 

"I suppose I could be your special little pet tonight..." you said in fake contemplation, making Josh smirk.

"That's a good girl." Josh praised as he leaned over you and kissed your lips. "My good girl."

"You know it, Joshie." you giggled.

"Mhm. Now, you get undressed and I'll be right back. Kay?"

"Yes, sir." you flirted as you bit your bottom lip and watched him eye you up and down with a smile. 

As Josh left you stripped yourself completely and propped yourself on your hands and knees, with your lower half on display for when the redhead walked in the room. Josh entered the room with his duffel bag, and a devious grin that pulled on his pretty pink lips at the sight.

"Well, hello there beautiful." the redhead chuckled as he dropped his bag on the floor and walked up behind you. Josh grabbed your hips, pulling you towards him where he dropped to his knees so he could be directly in front of your core. You wrapped your hands around your backside, placing them on your ass where you teased him by spreading yourself open for a moment. You could hear the drummer groan behind you as he watched.

"Place your hands on your ass and pull yourself open for me again, sweetheart." Josh said softly.

"Yes, sir." you repeated again as you offered him your sex to its fullest degree. 

Your breath hitched as the redhead pressed a soft kiss to your clit, with your head spinning as he laid his tongue flat against your core and rubbed it against you. His large hands moved underneath you, cupping your breasts before he flicked your nipples and pinched them.

"Ah!" you gasped as his mouth moved from your core to explore elsewhere. His tongue circled around your asshole before he started darting it in and out of your tight ring of muscle. "J-Josh, oh~"

The drummer  removed his hands from your breasts as he spanked your ass, making you jolt forward and yelp. You could hear Josh moan into you as you pressed yourself back against his face, with his hot, wet mouth starting to fixate itself back on your wet cunt. He sucked on your clit, giving it long and hard pulls that you could hear his lips suction around. 

"Fuck, tha-t 'sgood," you whined as you swiveled your hips and gripped the bed sheets. Josh positioned himself beneath you, while you still remained perched above his face on all fours. 

"Sit on my face, pretty baby." Josh asked with lust filled eyes. You nodded and hovered over his face, with the drummer groaning and licking his lips underneath you as he stuck his tongue out. Josh flicked the tip of his tongue rapidly against your clit, which at this point was popping out and swollen.

"Sir!~" you moaned loudly while rocking your hips against Josh's tongue. "Mmm I'm gonna cum!"

With those words Josh swirled his tongue around your bundle of nerves, circling it clockwise and back as your legs started to shake around his head. You reached down, lacing your fingers in his fire red curls as your body rolled and shook from your orgasm nearing. 

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now