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Josh brushed his lips against your collar bone just enough to feel the warmth of his breath against your skin, but not enough to be a kiss. You whimpered at the lack of contact with the yellow haired boy letting out a dark chuckle in the crook of your neck.

"Joshhhh..." you whined.

"Patience, princess." he whispered before nipping at the skin on your neck and making you moan.

The pale boy rested his hand on your lap knowing it'd drive you crazy for him to touch you there only to have it be blocked by your skirt. You grabbed his hand and pushed it down lower, almost reaching your core until he pulled your hand off of his.

"I'm in control. You submit to me. NOT the other way around. Do you understand?" he growled.

"Yes Josh," you sighed.

"Good girl." the yellow haired boy praised as he ran his hand up and down against your lap.

"A-h," you said through a hitched breath.

Josh's other hand held your jaw as his lips continued his work of art on your neck. He sucked different hues of violet and blue across your throat, ensuring that his mark would be seen by everyone around the globe.

"I need you so badly," you whined.

"Mhm," Josh hummed against your rib cage where he continued his masterpiece down your torso. He ran his hand against the side of your skirt where the zipper was located. You froze when you felt him slightly pull down on the small metal tab, with the yellow haired boy stopping when he reached half way.

"God, look at you..." he said while shaking his head, "...so needy for my touch."

"Josh, please," you begged as you ran your hands down your face in frustration. "I swear to God if you don't do something I'll do it myself!"

"I fucking dare you." he hissed while wrapping his hands around your throat.

"Mpfh," you squeaked as you lifted the bottom of your skirt up and displayed your smooth and desperate sex.

"N-No panties?" he stuttered as he momentarily broke his dominant nature.

"Hmm-mh," you whimpered with his fingers still pressing on either side of your airways.

Josh stared at your wet core, unable to break his gaze from how drawn into you he was. You swiped your index and middle finger up your folds, collecting all of the wetness that had seeped out of you from the pale boys teasing. The yellow haired boy broke from his trance to watch as you took your fingers in your mouth and sucked on them, ensuring to have him see you swirl your tongue around each digit.

"Fuck," he said under his breath while you grinned beneath him.

The boy released his hold on you as he frantically located your zipper and unzipped the remainder of your skirt. He took it off of you and immediately laid on his stomach where he then wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you closer to him.

"Well someone is excited-o-h my God~" you moaned as Josh dipped his tongue inside of your entrance and placed his lips against your clit. The yellow haired boy utilized his index finger and thumb to spread your folds open for him, where he dragged the tip of his tongue against your exposed raw bundle of nerves.

"Oh fuck, Josh!" you cried as he began rapidly flicking his tongue against your clit.

"Mmm," he hummed from in between your thighs, especially once you started rolling your hips against his face.

"Shit, oh shit, babe~" you panted with your head throwing itself back against your pillows.

Josh teased the tips of his fingers at your entrance, then slowly pressed his index and ring finger inside of you.

"D-d-d," you stuttered as you jaw hung agape.

The boy blew cold air against your clit as he simultaneously curled his fingers in you. Your back arched in both shock and delight at the trick.

"What was that, baby girl?" Josh asked lowly with his fingers sloshing around from your wetness.

"I-m soo close," you moaned as you grabbed his hair.

"That isn't what I asked." he growled with him pulling his fingers out and smacking your core.

"Christ!" you whined.

"You and I both know what you were about to call me." he said with dark eyes.


"I better hear you scream it when. you. cum." Josh hissed as he crammed his fingers inside of you and scooped at your insides with each word.

"Yes!" you groaned as he latched himself back onto your clit. He lapped his tongue on your clit, with the sounds of his suction on your wet core and fingers sliding in and out of you filling the room

"yesyesyesJosh ohfuck don't stop," you panted while beginning to fuck his face. Your fingers interlaced in his neon bright hair as you roughly pulled his curls and pressed him against you.

"Fuck," he grunted with him then laying his tongue flat against you so you could rub clit against it.

" 'm gon cum Joshie, 'm gonna~" you cried as your orgasm rapidly tearing through you once Josh began pumping his tongue in and out of your cunt.

"Oh my God oh I'mfuckingg cum-ing," you hiccuped as your body spasmed against the yellow haired boy's mouth and your thighs shook against his head. You screamed out what he ordered you to just moments ago, with Josh on the spot moaning into you at your new nickname (and dare I say title) for him.

"ohshit, D a d d y~"



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