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a/n: 2042 words oops lmao

"We're Twenty Øne Piløts and so are you!" Tyler spoke with him and Josh bowing in front of the sold out arena. Fans screamed and cheered before the two exited the stage after performing for a solid three hours or more.

"Hey um, so...can we rent a hotel?" Josh asked Tyler.

The brunette glared at the redhead who only grinned.

"Whatever." Tyler huffed.

"You're the best." Josh laughed.

"Just make sure you two are finished orgasming by seven in the morning tomorrow. We've got to be in New York for the next show." the singer sighed. 

"Will doooooo!" the redhead sang while Tyler told their manager to find them a hotel. 

Josh entered his dressing room, finding you to be on a FaceTime call with your parents.

"The same Josh from high school?" your mom asked with excitement.

"The same Josh that left my baby girl heart broken?" your dad groaned.

"Yes, the same Josh from high school mama. And yes, the same Josh that I kept their promise ring on for over ten years, daddy." you commented.

"Joshie!!!" you exclaimed while setting your phone down to run over and give him a  hug.

"Hi baby girl," he smiled while placing a kiss on your lips.

"You did a great job! I'm so proud of you!" you smiled. 

"Thanks, precious." Josh blushed as he set you down back on your feet.

"OoOh I want to say hi!" your mom said with happiness radiating from your phone.

"One moment, mama." you laughed. "Want to talk to my parents?"

Josh bit his bottom lip as he looked at you nervously. "They know about us?"

"Yes?" you said with a furrowed brow. "Who the fuck shouldn't know?"

"No, it's not that-" Josh started before narrowing his eyes. "Watch that fucking tone, brat."

"Sorry," you whispered with flushed cheeks. 

"As I was saying...what if they don't like me?" he said quietly.

"Aw, you're afraid of my parents approval?" you cooed while tipping his jaw. 

"Yes," he said nervously. 

"Don't worry, they still like you, Dun." you winked.

"Okay," Josh said with a sigh of relief.

"Here is he mama," you said with a grin as you handed the phone over to him.

"Oh my, you've grown up." your mother said in shock as her eyes grew wide over the sight of your sweaty, smiling boyfriend.

"Indeed I have, mrs. Glasgow." he chuckled.

"You break my daughters heart again and I'll hurt you." your father warned with Josh gulping anxiously. 

"Daddy!" you shouted.

"Y-Yes sir," Josh replied seriously.

"I mean it. I'll beat your fucking-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH." you said loudly while grabbing the phone out of Josh's hands.

"Sorry about your father," your mom said. "Well, good on you two for working out your previous issues. I'm glad you're happy honey." 

"Me too." you smiled while looking over at Josh who shared an equally happy expression.

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now