7 a.m.

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a/n: can I just take a moment to thank you all for how quickly my story blew up? You guys are amazing. Thank you so much! *hugs*! Alright, back to the story :3

"I mean it Josh. 7 a.m." Tyler said sharply before entering his hotel room.

"What is he talking about?" you question Josh.

"Ty said to be done orgasming by 7 a.m. so we can make it to our next show in time." Josh chuckled.

"Oh my God," you muttered with embarrassment.

"I know right? It's gonna be a shame that we won't be." the redhead smirked while lightly smacking your ass as you both entered your hotel room.

"Jesus, do you have no filter?" you laughed.

"I spent 10 years without you, Y/N. I'm gonna show you off like the trophy you are." Josh smiled before kissing your lips. You couldn't help but giggle and blush.

"I love you, baby." you gushed.

"I love you too, angel. So much." the drummer whispered while placing a kiss on your nose.

"C'mon, goof. You need to shower. You're all sweaty from the show." you commented while walking towards the bathroom.

"Allllriiiighhttt," he droned. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you during your five minutes in the shower, too, Joshie." you chuckled.

As the redhead entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him, you quickly swapped out your outfit for a cozy long sleeved t-shirt and white hipster panties. You left the bedroom and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the cabinets and getting yourself a cup of water. You browsed through the different social media apps on your phone while hydrating when Josh entered the kitchen quickly afterwards in only a pair of boxers.

"Good Lord, what? Do you shower at the speed of light?" you teased. 

Josh remained silent, only walking up to you and grabbing your hand and pressing it up against his semi erect member. You bit your lower lip as you squeezed his bulge, listening as Josh released a soft moan that sent a jolt of electricity through your body. 

"You're so fucking big and you're not even fully hard," you commented with Josh only letting out a small chuckle. The redhead cupped your jaw in his hand as he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, passionately moving his soft plush lips in sync with yours. You palmed him through his boxers, listening to his small whimpers he let out as he pressed himself up against your body.

"I want you to cum on it," he growled as he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. 

The drummer laid you down gently on the bed where he continued to kiss you, running his hands up the exterior of your thigh before lightly squeezing it. You brushed your finger tips up his toned sides before you gently dug your nails into his abdomen. The redhead pushed your shirt up, grabbing your breasts and massaging them before he pinched at your sensitive nipples.

"Mmmm," you whined while he grinded his hips against yours and kissed along your jawline. 

Josh continued playing with your breasts as he sunk his teeth down on your collarbone, leaving a bright and beautiful shade of violet from where his mouth met your skin. 

"J-Josh, wait," you mumbled.

"What is it, sweetheart?" he questioned between sucking bruises along your throat.

"I want to take care of you first this time." you said shyly.

"That's a shame, princess," Josh said in a husky tone as he wrapped his hand around your throat and cut off your air supply, "because I'm the one who calls the shots."

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now