wherever, whenever

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Josh woke up around 3 p.m., noticing you weren't in the bunk with him anymore. The redhead stretched and rubbed his eyes before getting out of bed and looking for you.

"So how did you two meet?" Matt asked (we're gonna have the tour bus driver be named Matt idk lol).

Josh paused as he eavesdropped on the conversation between you two.

"High school. We were I think 17?" you lingered.

"Oh, wow. So you've known each other for a while." he responded.

"Yeah. We didn't talk for a bit though after high school." you sighed.

Josh chewed his bottom lip while hearing you.

"Why is that?" Matt asked.

"He had to go to college." you huffed. "...but...I'm proud of him."

She was proud of me? Josh thought.

"College ain't easy." Matt chuckled.

"Yeah. I went through hell getting my associates." you laughed.

She has an associates!? Josh thought.

"Yeah, I don't know if Josh got his degree. I know he and Tyler busted their ass with their music throughout the years though!"

"Oh, I bet." you agreed. "I love their music."

Liar. You didn't even know about us. Josh pouted.

"How long have you been listening to them?" Matt asked.

"Around Regional at Best I believe," you spoke.

"What are you doing?" Tyler asked the redhead.

"Shut up, I'm listening!" Josh whispered.

"oOoo let's get some tea," Tyler encouraged.

"Wow! That's quite a bit!" Matt said.

"Yeah...they helped me through a lot." you admitted.

"Who she takin' about?" Tyler whispered.

"Us," Josh smiled.

Tyler's mouth formed an "O" before smiling as well.

"...they helped keep me from doing stupid stuff you could say." you said with a dry laugh. "I had tried ending my life then found them. That stays between you and I though."

"I won't say a word." Matt ensured.

"Thanks. Last thing I want Josh to think is that I'm with him for like the money or something. As far as he knows I didn't know about Twenty Øne Piløts until he told me."

"I get where you're coming from on that. I'm kinda surprised you haven't slipped up yet." Matt said with a surprised expression.

"Like I said. I don't want to lose him again." you muttered nervously.

"Awwww," Tyler cooed.

Josh grinned as he walked out of the hallway to run up and hug you.

"Well hi!" you giggled as Josh swooped you off the ground.

"Good afternoon gorgeous," Josh grinned as he kissed your cheek.

"Did you guys sleep well?" you asked the two.

"Yeah," they both replied in unison.

"How much longer til we arrive at the arena?" Tyler asked.

"About 45 minutes," Matt said.

"Sweet," he said.

The two both hurried to get ready while you continued conversing with Matt. Once you four arrived at the arena, Josh and Tyler quickly made their way backstage. 

✔ Operation Smile (Josh Dun x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now