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^hnf dear god

You rolled your eyes playfully before looking up at him, running the tip of your tongue along the prominent vein on his underside of his member, going from his base to the tip of his penis.

"Ohhh, that's the Y/N I know from high school," he shuddered as he threw his head back and pulled your hair.

You giggled as you kitten licked his tip, collecting the precum that was dripping from it. Josh groaned as you dipped your tongue into his slit, gathering as much of his seed possible before the grand finale that was to come.

"Shit, princess," he moaned out as you started swirling your tongue around the head of his cock.

Looking up at him, and him looking down at you through hooded eyes, you hollowed out your cheeks and began lowering yourself on to his length.

"A-h~" he groaned with a clenched jaw as you gagged from his size. (I didn't raise no bitch in this fic though). You managed to push through it and relax your throat, reaching his hilt with his 8.5 inches fully in your throat and mouth. You hollowed your cheeks, slowly bobbing yourself up and down on his member as you looked up at him. The redhead held the back of your head as he bit his lower lip,

"F-Face fuck like old times?" he questioned.

"Mmm," you hummed with him gasping as you vibrated around his dick.

Josh nodded excitedly as he took his hands and grabbed a handful of your hair with each hand, utilizing it as a form of control for what he was going to do. The redhead thrusted his hips while slamming your head down on him and keeping you there as you gagged. He released a guttural moan as you cupped his balls in your hand and lightly massaged them while he started up his hips once more.

"Jesus," Josh whimpered as his thrusts became sloppy with him nearing the verge of his orgasm. 

"Mmmmmmm," you hummed around him, instantly sending the drummer into a daze as he pulled you off of him and pumped himself rapidly as he felt himself about to cum. You swatted his hands away, wrapping your lips around him again as you sucked his tip gently and listened as Josh moaned out your name while grabbing the pillow his head rested on.

"Shit Y/N," he panted, "I'm cumming~"

The redhead threw his head back with his jaw clenched shut as he orgasmed right then. You felt his flushed tip release in your mouth, covering every last inch of your tongue and throat in his cum. 

"Oh," he sighed while regaining his breath and hearing you pull off him with an audible popwhile watching as you swallowed his seed.

"I missed the taste of you," you giggled before placing a kiss on his lips.

"I missed you," he spoke with a smile.

"I missed you too, Joshie," you replied while rubbing his cheek with your thumb.

"What time is it, do you know, beautiful?" Josh asked while trying to fix his messy hair.

"Um...what time was the signing?" you asked nervously.

"2 p.m. ... why...?" he wondered.

"We gotta go!" you replied while slipping back on your panties and shorts. Josh put back on his boxers and skinny jeans as you both bolted out the front door.

--- arriving at the music shop holding the signing for the boys ---

"JOSH!!!" a girl screamed from a line outside of the store as you both exited your car.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S JOSH!!!" another shouted with the double football field long line of people rushing towards him.

"!" Josh said shyly.

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