2/5/19 - Funny

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"It wad an emergency!" Seth blurted. "Read my lips - emergency reading - not some demented idea of fun. If I was starving, I would eat asparagus. If somebody held a gun to my head, I would watch a soap opera. And to save Fablehaven, I would read a book, okay, are you happy?"

"You had best be careful, Seth," Grandma warned. "The love of reading can be contagious."

"I just lost my appetite," he declared.

-Brandon Mull, Fablehaven

I don't remember which book this was in, but I know it's in the Fablehaven series.

I don't necessarily agree with this, I just thought it was kinda funny. By the way Seth reacted, you'd think he'd been caught reading his sister's love letters (which he does do later) or putting on her lipstick, or something equally embarrassing. Just listen to his comparisons/excuses!

Contrary to Seth's beliefs, I believe reading is great fun and a wonderful thing to do. There is no shame in being a book nerd. I mean, where would we be right now if we didn't read? Certainly not reading and writing fanfics on Wattpad!

Well anyways, I hope this made you smile. Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Enjoy your reading! (And make sure to give all your friends the "love of reading" disease;)

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