2/18/19 - Funny

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"Where did you get that candy again?" Leven asked, worried. 

"The pile said 'flavored'," Clover answered back, his face a chocolatey mess.

"Flavored?" Leven said exasperated. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Clover argued. "F-L-A-W-E-D--flavored."

- Obert Skye, Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra

Some background to help this make sense: There is magical candy with strange effects. This particular candy makes chocolate run out of your nose. And they are trapped with the three of them standing on a small chest. (If I remember correctly. I read this in like 5th grade;)

Anyways, this shows why it's important to know how to read. Mistakes can lead to chocolate flowing out of your nose when you're in a dangerous situation.

Before I read the Leven Thumps series in 2nd grade, I hated reading, because I was reading things way below my level. I was finding it hard to get through books because I was getting bored. Therefore, I thought the books I was reading were too hard, when in reality they were too easy.

But then my mom tricked me into reading Leven Thumps. It was the first real novel that I read, the first thing on my level. I quickly learned to love reading. 

It was because of Leven Thumps that I became the bookworm I am today. So if you enjoy my writing, thank Obert Skye because without his book I never would have found my desire to write stories.

If you are in the mood for new levels of weird, you would probably enjoy Leven Thumps. The books have ridiculous chapter names, and the author takes them literally.

Ex: "I Can See Clearly Now My Head Is Gnawed," and "It's Raining Confused Men," etc.

I can't tell you if it was actually any good, or if my 8-year-old self just thought it was good. All I know is that it's extremely strange.

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! (And be sure to properly read candy packaging!)

(P.S. Apparently I have an improv show tomorrow that I didn't know about, and that I'm not prepared for. Which me luck!;)

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