2/26/19 - Funny

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"Whoa, I've really got to stop making plans with fictional characters. It can't be healthy to develop relationships with people who don't exist."

- Chris Colfer, Struck by Lightning: The Carson Phillips Journal

Note: I have not actually read this book, but I was looking for quotes from Land of Stories by Chris Colfer, and found this one. It was too good to pass up.

Can anyone else relate to this? I mean, let's be honest, most of the good guys out there are in books or movies. Don't get me wrong, there are some real guys out there that are okay, but most of them aren't.

I saw a meme or something once that said, "What is you type?" "Fictional."

This is so true! I have a crush on at least three fictional boys. I mean, why can't they be real!? Why aren't there guys like that in my life!?

Who is/are your fictional crush(es)?

Also, do you ever have this problem: You ship a fictional character with another character, but you still have a crush on the one character and wish you were dating them instead? 

I have that problem all the time. My policy is: if my OTP  doesn't become canon, then he better get with me!

Anyways, sorry this is so late. I had my improv show tonight, and it went really well. I thought it was going to be a train wreck. But it was good. Also, I didn't do any of my homework. And our public performance of The Three Musketeers is in exactly 1 week from today! So I've been super busy.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! (And good luck in your fictional relationships!;)

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