4/13/19 - Funny

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"I suppose I'll have to add the force of gravity to my list of enemies."

― Lemony Snicket, The Penultimate Peril

My list of enemies:

1. Gravity

2. Insomnia

3. Eggs

4. Etc.....

I know I already had a quote about being clumsy, but of course I did something else clumsy and I needed a quote so I could share it. 

So, as you may know, we had our final "Three Musketeers" performances yesterday and today. We hadn't rehearsed in a few weeks, so we did a catch up rehearsal on Thursday. 

However, the auditorium was still being used, so we had to do our best to run it in the Black Box. 

There is not a lot of space between the curtains and the wall in the Black Box, and we had to fit a lot of people back there.

It was really crowded, so I was standing on a cinder block that was pushed up against the wall, because it was the only place to stand. 

I felt quite stable standing on the cinder block, but no! Gravity disagreed.

At that point some of the people had gone to the other side of the backstage area, so it wasn't as crowded.

One minute, I was standing on the cinder block, feeling stable, and the next I was falling. I guess I just shifted my weight funny or something, because the cinder block fell forward. I felt my feet sliding down, and I bent back in an attempt to save myself. However, in the process, I banged my head against the wall. It was so loud that my director turned to see what happened.

Luckily, I didn't get a concussion. I had a headache, but other than that I was okay. It probably comes from years of hitting my head on things.

Anyways, gravity is not my friend.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And beware of gravity!

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