3/3/19 - Inspirational

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"What is most important almost always involves the people around us."

- Thomas S. Monson

This is so true. The most important things in life are the three f's----family, friendship, and faith----along with learning, service, and love.

Those things all involve people.

Family involves the people who you are directly related to and the group of people that will help lift and support you like a family would. It is important for you to lift and support your family, too.

Friendship also involves the people around you. My definition of a friend is someone who you feel like you can be yourself around and know you can count on to help you when you need it. It's someone who helps you to become better. It's important to have good friends and to be a good friend.

On the surface, faith may not seem to involve others. Faith is something personal that you need to develop for yourself. No one can give you their faith. You have to find your own. However, you don't have to find it on your own. The people around you can help you develop your faith, and through your faith, you can help others. 

It is important to learn. It's one of the reasons why we came to Earth. And to be able to learn, we need someone to teach us. The people around us not only educate us as we grow up, but they help us to learn valuable life lessons, too.  Even if we're not getting a formal education, we learn something every day. And we can also help others to learn.

It is important to serve those around us. Service is helping others willingly, without expecting anything in return. As we serve others, we will find joy in the things that really matter.

Love is about things you genuinely care for with all your heart. Love of your family, love of your friends, love of your life, love of your hobby, love of your God, love of learning, love of serving others. In reality, all the most important things come back to love.

 See how all the things that really matter involve the people around you?

Anyways, I thought this quote was pretty self-explanatory, and that I didn't have much to say about it. Yet, here I am.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! And remember to make the most important things in your life about the people around you.

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