4/1/19 - Funny

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"And I'm the only one with a plan," Fitz reminded them.

"Hey---I have plans," Keefe argued.

"Plans that don't involve tormenting Dame Alina," Fitz clarified.

"But those are always the best plans!"

- Shannon Messenger, Keeper of the Lost Cities: Everblaze

To clarify for those who haven't read KotLC, Dame Alina is the principal of Foxfire, the school they go to. 

I didn't make this, but it's pretty accurate:

I didn't make this, but it's pretty accurate:

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Keefe is the master of pranks. I'd tell you some of the things he's done, but there's too many to choose from. You'll just have to read the series to find out! ;)

Speaking of which, I'M STILL WAITING ON THE GREAT GULLON INCIDENT, SHANNON!!!! Supposedly, this was Keefe's greatest prank, but she has left us wondering for the last seven books!!! My guess is that either she'll tell us at the end of the last book, or she'll never tell us. Hopefully the first one!

I also found this online. It didn't happen in the books, but it's something that could happen...

What's with all this talk about pranks, you may ask? No reason, except it's APRIL FOOLS!!!!!

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What's with all this talk about pranks, you may ask? No reason, except it's APRIL FOOLS!!!!!

To be honest, I'm not a big prankster. I couldn't even think of anything to do today.

Well.... I thought about posting that my parents found out about my account and were making me delete it, but I decided against it. 

My English teacher low-key pranked me today, but she didn't say "April Fools!" 

She was handing back graded essays today, and she told me I got a 1, when in reality I got a 4 (on a scale of 1-4, 1 being the worst, 4 being the best.

She also told me I needed to come into tutorials to make up a quiz I missed. So I went to tutorials after school. She handed me the revising and editing quiz, I sat down, and I wrote my name on it. Then I looked at the passage. My first thoughts were, "Wait...I've already read this... I've already answered these questions..." So I handed it back to my teacher and told her I already did it. She said, "Oh yeah. I probably just didn't put the grade in. You got 100, right?" So I ended up staying for no reason until my mom picked me up. 

Also, my friend's mom got a bag of Lays™ and replaced the potato chips with banana chips. Then she hot glued it so it looked like it had never been opened. My friend was disappointed, though, because he wanted something salty. ;(

What pranks were pulled on you (or what pranks did you pull;) today?

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! April Fools!!!!

(April Fools on the April Fools! I actually do want you to have a wonderful day;)

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