3/27/19 - Heartbreaking

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"Good-bye. It was the motto of Terezin. It should have been written over the entrance instead of that lie that greeted newcomers: 'Work makes us free.' It was good-bye, not work, that made us free. It was the only thing we knew would never change. Good-bye... ..good-bye...good-bye. it freed us all. What was there to fear when you had said goodbye to everyone you had ever loved?"

- Raja, I Never Saw Another Butterfly by Celeste Raspanti

This is from the second play I was ever in. This wasn't my line, though. 

But that's beside the point. The point is that it's depressing. If you didn't know, I Never Saw Another Butterfly is a Holocaust play that takes place in the Jewish ghetto Terezin. In this quote, the boy she loved----Honza----was just sent to Auschwitz. In the next line, Irena (whom I played) is sent to Auschwitz. Irena was a teacher who helped and comforted Raja when she arrived at Terezin.

Other than this background, I think the quote is rather straightforward. Sorry that was so depressing, but I said I'd do a heartbreaking quote once a month, and here we are. 

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! 


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