2/22/19 - Inspirational

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"A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told."

- Chris Colfer, The Wishing Spell

Most of my quotes so far have been from KotLC or Brandon Mull, so I thought I'd change it up. The Land of Stories is also one of my favorite series.

When we read about a villain in a book, see them on tv, or face a bully in real life, we usually focus on the surface. We judge them for their actions.

We just look at the what, and fail to see the why.

Very rarely is someone evil or mean "just because." Most people had something happen to them that made them the way they are. Maybe their parents were abusive and it's how they know to act. Maybe they were abandoned too many times and are afraid to love people because they don't want to be left again. Or they had some other difficult childhood. Or maybe it's their coping method for a traumatic event that's happened to them.

But a lot of times, bullies do what they do because they are insecure about themselves. They think that by putting  others down, they will raise their self-esteem.

Like the quote said, a villain (or bully) is a victim. We just don't know their story.

If you've had a rough life, don't bully others to deal with it. A better way to gain individual worth is to surround yourself with friends who will be there for you. That's hard to do if you're mean to everyone.

I know it's difficult to be kind to people who are mean to you, but they need friends, too. You need to "Love your enemies," impossible though it may seem. If you are kind when no one else is, who knows? Maybe they'll change.

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends (and enemies). Bye! Have a wonderful night!

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