3/29/19 - Inspirational

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"Live a fruitful life. Resist evil. Give more than you take. Help others do likewise. The rest will take care of itself."

― Brandon Mull, Fablehaven

This really says it all. As straightforward as they come.

To me, living a fruitful life means fulfilling your purpose. You may not know what that is, but if you've worked hard to make the world a better place, I'd say you've lived a fruitful life. 

There is so much evil in this world. You might think, "I could never become evil." But as Ronodin from Dragonwatch said, "Evil can be so relative." You probably won't become a crime lord or a mass murderer. That's evil that should be easy to resist. But it's the small evils that give us trouble: lying, cursing, pornography, drugs, bullying, etc. But we must resist, and not give in to those evils.

Be generous. Don't be greedy. Put the needs of others above your own. You won't find happiness in getting things. Things don't matter. Rather, happiness comes from giving and seeing the light in the eyes of the recipient of your gift, whether it's a physical gift, a gift of service, or a gift of love.

Last but not least, help others to live a fruitful life, resist evil, and give more than they take. People can't grow to their full potential by themselves. It's easier to resist evil if someone is resisting it with you. And if you show them the joy found in giving, they will find it, too.

If we do these things, life will work out. It may not be easy, but things will turn out in the end.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! Do the right things, and let the rest take care of itself!

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