4/2/19 - Inspirational

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"When in doubt, choose to live."

― Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time

Just six simple words, yet powerful enough to save someone's life.

When things in life get really bad, you may feel lost and confused. Your suffering may be so great that you just want it to end---no matter the cost. 

But ending your life is never the answer. Things will get better, and suicide is not a decision you can change your mind about. If you kill yourself, you deprive the world of a priceless soul that could have made a difference. You would miss out on so many wonderful opportunities that life could've given you. Even if it may not seem like it, you have so much to live for. If you commit suicide, you will regret it.

We can never truly be happy unless we know misery. That's why we have struggles. Struggles make the good times that much more sweet. 

I don't know what's going on in your life, but your struggles will eventually come to an end. Even though you may feel like you're caught in the darkness, not knowing where to go or what to do, the sun will rise in the morning. And it will be beautiful.

So hold on, and endure through your trials. Once again, suicide is not the answer. The answer is turning to those around you. Your family, friends, teachers and others will be more than willing to help. Find things in life that matter to you. Find positive ways to relieve your stress. Don't lose hope. And above all, don't give up. Don't end your life.

I hope this inspired you. I really hope you aren't considering suicide, because I care about you. But if you are, I hope this helped. One last time, you matter. So stay alive.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! And when in doubt, choose to live.

(P.s. I'm not contemplating suicide. Don't worry about me. This is for you, my fantastic readers!;) 

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