2/16/19 - Inspirational

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"We could all use a little more weird in our lives."

- Fitz (Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger)

I agree with this 100%. I love this quote so much because I love weird. Who wants to be normal? Normal is boring. Weirdness is the better way of life.

Today is my Mom's birthday, so I chose this quote in honor of her. She came up with our family motto, which is, "Weirdness is allowed as long as it doesn't hurt anybody."

This means that we have the freedom to be strange and weird, as long as we do it safely. 

The other day, I went to a church dance. My Bff and I were dancing to a fast song, and this random guy came up to us and started dancing like we were. He said, "I'm sorry, but I'm somewhat weird."

I leaned over and replied, "It's alright, we're all the way weird!"

Anyways, it's ok to be weird. It's GOOD to be weird. This is another thing Shannon Messenger and I agree on. "We could all use a little more weird in our lives."

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! Be unique. Be weird!

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