3/25/19 - Funny

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"There's a door."

"Where does it go?"

"It stays where it is, I think."

― Terry Pratchett, Eric

I have no words.

This honestly sounds like something I would say.

Sometimes my older brother says, "Time is relative----not my relative."

My response is, "What if I name my daughter 'Thyme?'"

I'm sorry, that was random. The quote was just rather self-explanatory, and I wanted to lengthen it.

Today, some of my friends and I discovered that our little friend group in Chemistry class has just the right amount of people----with the correct gender ratio----to be the Scooby Doo gang. Apparently, I would be Velma.

That was also sort of random.

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! And why don't you check to see where the door goes?

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