4/18/19 - Inspirational

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"Smart people learn from their mistakes. But the real sharp ones learn from the mistakes of others."

― Brandon Mull, Fablehaven

You can learn things the hard way, or the easy way. You can try things for yourself and learn from the consequences.

 For example, you could stick your hand in a campfire to see if it's hot. After that, you will know not to do it again. That's learning the hard way.

Or, you can listen to your parents and others around you who are warning you against sticking your hand in the fire, because they've done it before and know it's painful. Then you don't have to suffer the consequences at all. That's the easy way of learning something.

As the quote says, smart people make mistakes which consequences teach them not to repeat those mistakes. The really smart ones, however, can observe others and learn from their mistakes. They can observe the pain that someone's mistakes have caused them. They can look at others and see what lead to their downfall. Then they won't waste their time making the same mistakes and going through the pain  they cause. 

Now, the fire was just a metaphor. I mean, don't actually stick your hand in a fire. The metaphor could apply to that example, too. What I'm saying is, that the fire can represent different things. Whether it's addiction, debt, laziness, or anything else that you may be warned about, those things are the fire. Watch the pain the "fire" has caused others, and avoid it. Don't go sticking your hand in it.

They say, "History repeats itself," for a reason. The whole point of recording history is so we can look at mistakes others have made in the past and not repeat them.

Now, this quote didn't mention the not-so-bright people. Those are the people who stick their hand in the fire and then go back and do it again. And again. And again. They just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Don't be one of those people!!!

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And take care not to repeat the mistakes of others!

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