3/16/19 - Funny

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"I never knew how dangerous those chairs could be."

- Lomo (Wrath of the Dragon King by Brandon Mull)

Never underestimate the power of a chair. Or any other everyday object, for that matter.

In this case, Seth wad goofing off, and tipped the rocking chair over sort of on purpose.

But in my case, it's the chairs that attack me. They have jumped out in front of me many times, causing me to trip or stub my toe. The other day, I hit my funny bone on the back of a chair. Not the first time it happened, and probably not the last.

And it's not just chairs, either. Table corners have jabbed me in the ribs, walls and doors have moved in front of me so I would run into them, and I have hit my head on many things, from the trunk of the car, to underneath the counter, to doorknobs. I have also tripped on the stairs at least three times this school year, and tripped on thin air more than that. Once, I tripped when I was standing still.

If you like Miraculous Ladybug, you could say I'm as clumsy as Marinette (almost). If you like KotLC, I am as clumsy as Sophie.

I get it from my mom. 

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! And watch out for those darn chairs!

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