2/13/19 - Funny

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"How does it feel to be rejected by dust?"

"Pretty good, actually."

- Shannon Messenger, Keeper of the Lost Cities

Wow. Just wow.

I don't remember the context, but being rejected by even the dust must sting.

Yet, he gives the unexpected answer. Apparently, being rejected by dust isn't such a bad thing.

So since tomorrow's Valentine's day, I'm going to turn this little bit of funny into an inspirational.

I hate to break it to you, but some of you who are going to spill your hearts out tomorrow are going to get either rejected or friend zoned. 

Don't let this discourage you, though. Just go for it! 

I'm just saying if you are rejected, it's not the end of the world. I mean Tam (I think) was rejected by dust, and he still felt pretty good. Besides, if they turn you down, they probably don't deserve you anyways.

As far as my Valentine's plans go, I have a date. :)............

................With my pillow. ;)

Can't wait!

Sorry this is so late. It's been a busy day. I haven't even had time to do my homework tonight.

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye!

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