3/4/19 - Funny

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"Sometimes," Halt continued, "We tend to expect a little too much of Ranger horses. After all, they are only human."

- John Flanagan, Ranger's Apprentice

We tend to expect too much of others. Sometimes we forget that they are human, too, and are going to make mistakes. 

This wouldn't be funny except for the fact that he wasn't talking about other people----he was talking about a horse.

I just find it funny how he said Ranger horses were only human

Ok, I really don't have that much to say about this. Man, I keep finding lots of self-explanatory quotes!

Anyways, tomorrow night we have our public performance of The Three Musketeers! And then it's two weeks until competition. That's really not that much time, especially considering how one of those weeks is spring break (three of which I will be spending at rehearsal;). So in short, I'm going to be super busy the next few weeks.

Please vote, comment and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And keep in mind that animals are only human, too!

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