4/16/19 - Inspirational

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"There is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for."

- J.R.R. Tolkien

A lot of the world is corrupt. People just throw away moral standards like they would a crushed can of soda. Evil abounds. Society is just getting worse and worse.

However, not everyone is bad. There are still good people out there who know right from wrong and choose the right. They hold on to their moral standards like they would the end of a kite string on a windy day. Popular opinion and peer pressure try to blow those standards away, but there are people who still cling to what they know to be right.

We have to fight for that good left in the world. We can't let it die off. Follow your standards don't listen to the negative influence the world gives you. Stay strong. Don't give up. Encourage others to do the right thing, too. And don't lose hope. There is good out there, and if we all contribute to it, good will prevail.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And fight for the good in the world.

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