4/10/19 - Inspirational

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"Time is a funny thing. Once it's gone, it's gone. But then it passes on to someone else. You'll do great things with it, Sophie."

- Mr. Forkle (Shannon Messenger, Keeper of the Lost Cities)

We only have a certain amount of time here on Earth. 

I take that back. How much time we have left is not certain at all. None of us know how much time we have left. 

So we should make the most of every moment.

In the grand scheme of things, our lives are rather quite short. We live, say, 80 years, compared to the billions of years the universe has existed.

Yet if we use our time wisely, we can make an impact.

This quote is so true. Once you run out of time, it's gone. You can't go back in time and change things. That's why it's so important to make the most or your time. The more you accomplish in your life, the easier it will be for whoever you pass it on to. 

Now, I want you to read the quote again, but replace "Sophie" with your name. 

Now is your time. So do great things with it.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And use your time wisely, before it's gone.

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