2/24/19 - Inspirational

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"Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely."

- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I apologize to those atheists out there. I've been trying to avoid religious quotes out of respect for non-religious people, but I decided I shouldn't hide my beliefs.

Anyways, it's amazing how much God loves us. I mean, He is this all-knowing, all-powerful being. Why should He give us a second thought? Compared to him, we are completely insignificant.

Yet, he knows us and loves us as individuals. His love for each of us----his children----is so great that we cannot comprehend it.

Despite our many imperfections and shortcomings, he loves us unconditionally. 

Just remember this when you feel alone and unloved. You are never alone. God will always be there for you. He will always love you even when it feels like no one else does.

I dedicate this chapter to @Jesussavesevenme , the other person who has voted and commented on almost every chapter in this book. Thank you so much! I don't know what I'd do without your support! Love you! (I knew it was ok to dedicate this quote to you since I know you're Christian;) Btw, I love your username! In relation to this quote, it reminds me of the hymn, "I Stand All Amazed." If you don't know it, I would recommend looking up the lyrics.

Again, if you would like me to pick a quote out for you, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Thank you! Bye! Have a wonderful night! And remember how much God loves you!

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