2/25/19 - Heartbreaking

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Yep! That's right! A new type of quote! These "Heartbreaking" quotes are just the ones that make you want to cry. (I won't put them as often, because they're depressing. Probably about once a month). Anyways, here it is:

"You keep trying to fix everything, Sophie. You even fixed Exillium. 

But you can't fix me."

- Keefe (Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger)

Ugh! The FEELS! (Quite literally, because he's an Empath, like me).

This is just so sad and makes you feel so bad for Keefe. It adds so much pain to the moment, which was devastating as it was. 

This scene broke my heart, along with Sophie's (I won't spoil for those of you who haven't read Neverseen yet, but those of you who have know what I'm talking about).

WHY, KEEFE!!!!!!????? *wails* WHY!!!???!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!

A few days ago, I finished Dragonwatch: Wrath of the Dragon King, and I went through similar heartbreak. At least with Neverseen, I didn't have to wait for the next book. But the next Dragonwatch book doesn't come out for at least another year. 

WHY!?!?!? *wailing* I. AM. DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, since The Three Musketeers is our OAP, we have to perform it in under 40 minutes. The original script was about 130 pages, and my director cut around 100 of those to start off with. However, competition is in about a month, and we're still running about 48 minutes. That means more had to be cut. My director cut three more pages over the weekend----including cutting D'Artagnon's mother out of the script completely.

I am low-key disappointed by that. Half of my very limited stage time was when I was playing the mother. I understand why she's cut. She's not really necessary to the plot, and I was having a hard time with the over-the-top crying. And I'm not completely cut out of the play. I'm still the Abbess and the Servent (although all they do is enter, say a line, then exit) as well as one of the Cardinal's guards (which means I get to sword fight;). But I'm still heartbroken. 

Sorry for ranting. And I'm sorry that probably didn't brighten up your day (if it did, what's wrong with you!?). I'll try to find something funny for tomorrow to cheer you up.

Bye! Have a wonderful day! Please vote, comment and share with your friends if this made you as sad as it made me.

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