3/14/19 - Inspirational

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"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

- Yoda

Negative emotions can lead to reckless mistakes that can cause a lot of pain. 

For example, in this quote, Yoda is talking to Anakin. We all know what happens to him. His fear led him down a dark path full of pain and regrets.

Now, everyone feels negative emotions. It's OK to feel them sometimes, as long as they don't control your life. 

Fear is one of the strongest negative emotions. So don't be afraid.

One of my favorite scriptures is Doctrine and Covenants 6:36. It says, "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." 

I love this, because with Christ, we have no reason to fear. Most human fears stem from the fear of death. But Jesus overcame death so we could live again. He knows our pains and can help us through anything. So we shouldn't be afraid.

Personally, this is something that I struggle with. I know I shouldn't be afraid, but I am. My four greatest fears are heights, being alone, being a failure, and not being there when my family needs me. 

I shouldn't be afraid of heights because it's unlikely that I'd fall. God would protect me. I shouldn't be afraid of failure because if I have faith and do my part, God will help me be successful. I shouldn't be afraid of loneliness because Jesus is there for us whenever we need him. With him, we will never be alone. 

My last fear is sort of a fear of dying. It's not so much a fear of death itself, but a fear of the impact my death would have on my family. But death is not the end. They'd be reunited with me again someday. And Jesus Christ would help them through the pain. So I shouldn't be afraid of losing them, or them losing me.

Whatever it is that you're afraid of, Christ can help you overcome it. So don't be afraid. Don't let fear fool you into making bad choices. 

Fear, anger, and hate only lead to pain.

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