2/6/19 - Inspirational

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"We're guaranteed to die," Jace said. "All of us, no matter how we ignore it. I had to face that with the Sky Raiders. We're all heading for the same destination. Don't let the fear of death rattle you. It's coming, like it or not. Let the fear melt into acceptance. The point becomes how we die. I'm not just going to die, Cole. I'm going to die bravely. I'm going to win victories on the way. We've already won some improbable battles. Survived some close calls. Why not more? Try to win. Expect to win. Maybe we'll only live another day. Maybe another fifty years. But whenever we die, go out bravely."

- Brandon Mull, Five Kingdoms: Time Jumpers

I know this makes two quotes, but this is something a character said based on the first quote:

"Because I can't leave this world knowing I might have saved it," Cole said. "I just can't. I'm not scared of dying anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in a hurry, but it doesn't terrify me. We're all going to die. What matters is how we die. And how we live. Leaving when I could have helped---that would kill me more than dying. It just would. Somebody has to fight the hard fights. There are times when somebody else can't do it. Or won't do it. So it's you or nobody. I've had a chance to go home before. And I'm not going anywhere unless I stop Ramarro."

I know it's kind of depressing, but these are some of my all-time favorite quotes. 

It's true. We are all going to die. It's inevitable, so don't live your life being afraid of it. Instead, live your life to the fullest. If we spend our lives trying to prevent the inevitable, we won't accomplish anything, and our time here on Earth would be wasted. So make yours a life worth living.

That last part is also true. Sometimes there are battles that need to be fought, but no one can or will take responsibility. When this happens, we need to be the ones who step up and do the right thing, no matter how difficult. That is the definition of bravery. 

(For background info, in this book, they say "Die bravely" instead of "good luck.")

This is why Brandon Mull is my favorite author. He delivers these amazing inspirational messages through his stories, but also includes a sense of humor in his books.

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Die bravely.

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