Chapter 7

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Chapter 7- His bare chest

I have no idea how but Asherd somehow convinced me to get back in the jeep. We were currently pulling onto a dirt road. At this point I didn't even worry about the darkness enveloping us. Ashered grabbed my hand and I yanked it away before he cleared his throat. "We're here." He said quietly stepping out of the car. I didn't budge to open the door. My head was swimming. I was with a stranger...Daniel and I already were not the best aquainted and now I was with him but not him-Asherd. I didn't know if my parents were okay or if Samuel would appear out of the blue. I was scared...oh my god I going to pass out.
"Breathe." I hear Asherd whisper and I feel my vision cloud as he is suddenly outside my door grasping my hand, his forehead pressed against mine. My hyperventiling slows down and I can still hear my rapid pulse in my ears as Asherd pulls me from the vehicle. "Love, its alright." I pull my hands from his and reaches around me to shut the door as I look at the mansion of a home before me built in solid brick surrounded by woods. Lights flicker on in a couple rooms and my gaze catches with a figure that darts away from the window. I blink before warmth covers me. Asherds leather jacket is placed over my shivering form. I look up meeting my blue eyes with his dark hungry gaze. He wraps a hand around my waist steering me forward. I didn't push him away wanting to still hold on to some kind of familiarity.

As we neared the threshold of the home the steel door swung opened. I instinctively pulled myself closer to Asherd and gripped his leather jacket. He chuckled making no movement to move my white knuckle grip. The girl before me was striking, Blue ocean eyes, deep as the see, Black skin and Long black hair pulled into dreadlocks. I swallowed at her beauty, skin glowing with beauty as she practically radiated power. "This is her." She asked in a brittish accent. I was thrown ofd by this my green eyes meeting her blue ones. " Come, Asherd and I will settle her in." She said pulling the door further open. You could see the defined muscle om her arms as they were obvious in the matching leather tanktop and Pants that clung to her body. I gulped looking down and reaching my hand up to fix my firey red hair Asherd fixed his grey eyes on me and I hesitated. He looked deadly serious as he spoke. "You are the most stunning being I have ever laid eyes on." I took in a sharp intake of breath and he turned to the woman. "Nova, I think she will stay with me for now." He smiled once again dragging me forward. I passed the girl and she pressed her caramel lips together furrowing her eyebrows in distaste.
Asherd lead me into the house and I barely had time to see the home before we were opening the door to one of the grandest bedrooms I had ever seen. Asherd let go of me and walked toward the bathroom. "I am going to clean up make yourself at home." He said striding over to the restroom as he pulled off his shirt. I sucked in a breath at the sight of his wings and toned abs. My mouth watered and he turned around grinning. I coughed and sputtered practically sprinting to the door to pull it shut.
I placed my hand over my beating heart and to my horror I realized that since the hotel I had been wearing boxers and a baggy shirt. I swallowed and snatched a blanket from the bed hiding my bare thighs. I sat on an armchair across from the bathroom and waited for Asherd to turn off the water.

When I awoke, I was laid down in Ashs bed and I watched as he emerged from the closet and pulled a shirt on. "You can shower, Hope. One of the girls left you a bag of old clothes in the bathroom along with some toiletries. I nodded and got up from the bed walking over to the bathroom. Jeesh was Ash hot and I was practically trapped in a room with him...

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