Chapter 30

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Chapter 30- Seven men

The first pair of eyes I noticed when we reached the top of the stairs was Ashered. His eyes were boring into mine and I gulped as he nodded encouragingly. Despite us not talking much he was still trying to be kind. It made a small weight lift off my chest as I clutched Hunters arm.

The room we descended into via the golden staircase was a ballroom. The ceiling was endless with stars dancing over the open dome window and the room was endless filled with people. They all looked unnaturally beautiful, some were more muscular, others wore frowns and had long limbs that were so thin that they looked breakable.

There was a small platform directly in front of the stairs that Ashered and Killian made their way too. There were waiters serving drinks and appetizers and chairs spread throughout the room encircling what I assumed was the dance floor.

Hunter and I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and I could feel my hands shake as all eyes turned to me and there was pen drop silence.

I swallowed and I could have sworn that it echoed. A person cleared their throat in the crowd and Hunter released my hand from his arm. I snapped my gaze to him my eyes widening at the thought of being left standing here alone.

Thankfully I was wrong as I turned and the mysterious man from the other night replaced him and held my hand leading me to the small stages. I was startled as there were a few hisses and growls in detest. I looked at his blue eyes and he grinned. I smiled at Fallon and mouthed thank you as he led me into the crowd close to the small platform. I looked up barely catching the glare that Ashered shot Fallon.

Everyone was silent and diverted their attention to him as he spoke.

"Good evening, as some of you may know I am Ashered; leader of the light fallen. I know that the circumstances are not ideal but thank you for attending."

A voice scoffed. "We're only here because some of our horny ass leaders think that this girl is our leader. Not to mention she was the one that started the whole conniption?! Without her Simone wouldn't be trying to kill our people." A man shouted. His hair was black and greasy, his eyes dull and he had fangs that protruded through his mouth as he looked to me and then Ashered.

Ashered's gaze was furious. "As much as I would enjoy making you pay for a comment like that, all leaders, including yours have agreed that no such hostility will be allowed regarding Hope." Not milliseconds later his neck snapped without any movement. I jumped and Fallon held tightly onto me keeping me from swaying as his body dropped. "Now that this is taken care of." A tight British voice replied. Out from the depths of the shadows emerged a man with pale skin, his jet black hair brushed away from his simmering eyes. He looked at me and smiled softly.

"All leaders please make your ways up here so that we may introduce yourself seeing as not everyone is not familiar with each other." Killen said.

Fallon pulled away from me and my eyes widened realizing that he was a leader also. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand reassuringly.

This time I was left alone as Fallon along with four others walked up to Ashered. They shook hands accordingly and Ashered took a step back as the man who had emerged from darkness spoke. "I am Xavier. I lead the vampires and we are volunteering ourselves to the cause of killing Simone and I am also one of Hope's specials as Ashered calls them or as my kind call them our Amor's." I took a hesitant step back as his eyes met mine.

There were so many unknown emotions flowing within me with this room full of people. Fear, anger, sadness and strangely enough attraction.

My eyes found Ashered and his expression was unreadable. My heart clenched as he avoided my gaze.

Xavier stepped back and a built, lean man that had a gentle appeal stepped forward. "I am Arman. I am king of the elves." I held my breath at his beauty. He had luxurious hair that was pulled into a soft bun, pieces falling into his evergreen eyes as he took a graceful step letting the next leader come forth.

The first thing that I noticed about the man who's jawline looked as if it could cut steele was the bulging muscles and animal like demeanor as he spoke. He had a slight scruff and dark brown caramel colored hair.

I looked away as his gaze lingered on me and made my heart beat rapidly. I could have sworn I heard a light chuckle.

"I am Allaric, I lead the werewolves and I don't plan on leaving without my mate."

I felt inclined to take another step back but somehow held his gaze as I looked at him.

I quickly diverted again seeing what Ashered's expression was but all I was met with was an empty face void of anything but a slight pinch in his brow.

I felt my eyes drift to my hands and I felt a tinge in my chest before I sighed looking up as the next leader walked forward.

He was slim and his eyes were hallow and filled with an intense spectrum of color. He was tall and his limbs were obnoxiously long. "I am Sian leader and highborn of the fairies." As soon as he was done speaking he melted back into where he stood, stiff as a board, expression bored. The last to walk up was Fallon.

He smiled warmly at me and I couldn't but smile back. "I am the leader of shapeshifters. I am here to protect my people and hopefully win the heart of my soulmate if she will let me."

I felt a blush warm my cheeks and finally Ashered came forward again. " We will have a meeting in the morning and go over plans to defeat Simone. For right now enjoy refreshments and music." I watched as people began to mingle and the leaders dispersed as music began to play in the background.

I on the other hand was overtaken with a question. I had received seven dresses so how was it that only six people were up there?

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