Chapter 24

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 Chapter 24- You can't have a father without secrets 

It was the one person that I did not expect to see. 


My dad turned around from where he stood, setting down his glass of scotch. He smiled broadly at me and wiped his mouth. "Ah, Hope." I took a tentative step toward him. I had barely spoken a word to him when he was at Ashereds home. "What is this place?" I asked looking around the vast room that was an overlarge study with Mahoney wood on ever piece of furniture. The lights were dimmed and the bar was fully stocked where my dad currently sat.

He patted the seat beside him and I slowly walked over to it.  "I own this hotel." My dad shrugged nochalantly refilling his glass before sliding one over to me. "Actually its a place for those who hunt dark fallen. I nodded trying to take in what he was saying. " I heard about you and Ashered. Your mom stopped by and talked to me about." My attention peaked. "Do you know why he did it?" He nodded solemnly. I leapt forward grasping his arm. "Why?" I asked desperately. 

He shook his head. " That's not my place. I do not question him. Your mother and I chose to hunt the dark fallen when you were born and we found out what you were." I blinked at him confused. " What I am?" Dad stirred his drink around. "A special." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "What do you mean a special?" I asked incredulously. He sighed heavily. " You aren't just Asherds special. When you were born you were made for Ashered, yes; but because of everything that Ashered has done, you have options, others that you could be destined with. None will be the same as the latter but that is up too you. The creator will only allow Ashered Happiness and you if he truly wins your heart and not the others." I swallowed, clutching my chest. " Is that why he sent me away?" Dad nodded. "Partially and other reasons that I cant say."  I felt like a boulder was weighing me down. " You knew about all of this and you kept me in the dark for this long?" I scoffed. " This explains the leniency, you didn't think I would live long, a human girl destined to be with god knows what or who!"

Dad pushes himself off the barstool, straightening his suit and stretching. "Honey, I know its a lot to take in." He begins but I cut him off standing up abruptly. "No, don't try and make me feel better, give me answers." Dad turns to me, massaging his forehead. "What am I doing here?" I ask crossing my arms across my chest, waiting for his reply. 

Dad sighs taking his drink with him as he presses a button on the underside of the bar.  A door beside a bookcase opens to a dark hallway.  "Follow me." I do so cautiously as he sets his drink on the bookcase and then continues down the hallway. 

"You never drink." I say watching as he rubs his face. He glances at me with dark bags under his eyes and nods. "I know, Kiddo. Its the only thing that has been keeping me going. I'm the technical analyst for Ashered. And right now he is needing a lot of information." I frowned. " He could at least give you a break."  I snap. Dad shakes his head opening the door at the end of the hallway, once we did, the study door shut. I swallowed anxiously and walked into a large bedroom that was decorated only in solid colors. Another door opened it up to a living room, balcony doors were pulled open and inside was my mother, Opal, a older woman I didn't recognize, Killan, Hunter, Henry....and Ashered.

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