Chapter 40

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Chapter 40- Regret Me

The boy and I collectively gasp when his wound sealed itself close. The flesh weaving itself back into crisp white skin. I reached for him and put my hand behind his back, supporting him as he sat up.
I felt my body shake as I looked at the leftover blood. I brushed my mouth against the fabric of my shirt and swallowed looking at the one guard who was left alive.
His eyes simmered with horror and he shakily stood up bolting for the door. I watched as it opened and choked on my spit as Simone stood there awaiting. As soon as the guards body crashed into his, he produced a blade and slit his throat, the gargling a torturous sound.
I slid my arms away from the boy, forcing him to support himself as the fangs began to protrude again.
Utter agony was what I felt,  a tingling that dissolved into fiery licks of pain across my body. I wanted the blood and by the smirk on Simone's pale features I knew he was aware.

I dug my nails into the floor and I felt the concrete crack under my pressure. I was shaking.
"You didn't kill him." Simone said looking at the guard and the boy who cowered away from him.
I stood up, fighting the nauseating feeling that the blood gave me. So much need.
"You didn't even properly drain him." Simone said walking forward to where the dark haired guard stood clutching his throat, in one swift moment Simone's blade ripped through my bite mark and severed his carotid artery. The blood sprayed him and the floors.
I moved in front of the boy in an effort to shield him but his wide eyes showed me it wasn't only Simone he was frightened of.
I felt bile rise within me as the guards gargling traveled through the room. Simone looked at his work fondly, swiping his blade across the now dead mans shirt, sheathing it he turned his attention back to me.

"I didn't expect you to kill the guards nor find a way to heal the boy."

My hand stretched out behind me, grasping the boys arm behind me. "Don't hurt him." I snapped.
" So protective, you do know if I kill the boy he will become like you." My eyes snapped back to the boy and he whimpered before I pushed him away from me.
"If you touch a hair on his head, I swear to you Simone I will skin you alive." I vowed.
"So dark for a fresh newborn, more self control than I would have imagined for you."
I hissed at this, igniting the urge to let his words get to me.
He nodded at me , studying my protective stance.
"You are no longer human." I scoffed at this sardonically.
"I am going to kill him, you know I must do this. Do you not want a fellow blood drinker?" Simone asked in a mock shocked tone.

I shook my head taking a step back where he took one forward.
"He's just a boy." I snapped. Simone's eyes were dark as his lip curled into a vile grin. "Age is simply a number." He laughed hotly, drawing his blade from its sheath.
I felt such anger rile inside of me.
I pushed him back as he dove his sword towards the boy. I heard as he ran more behind me and I grabbed onto Simone's wrist knocking the blade from his hand. "Just stop." I growled. Simone only laughed taking his free hand to wrap it around my throat. I choked even as a vampire I was still not as strong as a dark fallen.
I clawed at his chest, my nails digging into him, deeply drawing blood in my reverent attempt to harm him. "I will make you watch." He said pushing my body down. He produced his blade from beside him and I gasped as he dove it into my chest. "The pain will not last forever nor will it kill you." He sung darkly.
I sucked in staggered breaths as the blade pierced my flesh and then the ground pinning me to the floor.
Simone was agile unsheathing another blade I hadn't seen and slicing the boys throat before snapping his neck. It was so immediate that I couldn't hold in the strangled cry that escaped my lips.
"No." I breathed out tears sliding down my face. I tried to move but it was agonizing.
Simone's eyes met mine, the look sinister as his lips curled into a long smile.
"Why?" I asked weakly. "Why do you do this to me?"
Simone scoffed wiping his blade against the dead corpse of the boy who would surely awaken a beast.
"Because Hope, harming you hurts Ashered and that is the only way I can make him weak and take his wings." He  pulled open his wings that were black and wilting. I could smell the stench of them and fought the urge not to gag. "I want wings that won't reject me and his will be mine, no matter the cost."

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