Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- Falling, down, down, down

I woke up to the strong smell of mint and an arm draped over me. I blinked back the heaviness from the lack of sleep and found Asherd with his nose buried in my neck. It tickled my skin and I Inhaled sharply trying to wiggle my way out of his grip. Shockingly he bolted up a vicious look in his now dark eyes before they laid eyes on me and softened. "Sorry, you startled me, love." He said pulling at his hair as he let me go from his grip which weirdly left me with an empty cold feeling.

I swallowed smiling smally. "Yeah, sorry I was just going to wash up. Asherd nodded getting out of the bed and pulling a shirt over his tan body. "I'll go find you some clothes, everything else you need should be in the bathroom." I nodded before standing up and shifting my feet awkwardly. "Are my parents okay?" I asked barely above a whisper, a question that had been nawing at me.

Asherd smiled a soft smile before making his way over to me. He gently held my face in my hands leaving a lingering kiss on my cheek. One that sent tingles to my toes. " They are fine, Hope. Now why don't you wash up and I'll bring breakfast up here." I slightly opened my mouth to ask more but I had a feeling he wouldn't say more so sighing I nodded padding into the bathroom.

I stripped myself of clothing and turned on the shower. The water was hot burning onto my skin, I tried to scrub away the anxiety. My skin was raw and the shower was fogged up. I jumped as I turned to find Asherd laying a set of clothing onto the counter. I was still shielding my body. "Its covered in fog hope, if I were to look it would just be an outline. I pulled open the sliding shower door and peered at Asherd. His silver eyes met mine. He looked away pulling a towel off a shelf above the toilet and handed it to me.
I smiled softly mumbling a thank you before wrapping myself in a towel. "Your food is in the room." He said walking out of the room. I pushed the door shut making sure I was covered completely.

I dried off my now red body and pulled on the white undergarments followed by a baggy knitted sweater and leggings. I grabbed my boots that were covered in mud and scrubbed at them.

After my boots were clean and my stomach was full, I finally opened the bedroom door.

Cool blue eyes, as dark as the deep sea bore into my blues. Which now made me feel like they were a washed out blue color, lost in a kids crayon box. Dark thick black braids making me feel like my red hair was a burnt out color. I swallowed pulling the door a bit more open. "Hello, Nova." I said politely.
Nova pulled back her lip into a snarl. "listen here, human." She growled taking my shoulder which wouldnt budge in her cold hard grip. "You don't belong here." I glared at her ripping my arm from her grip biting back a gasp as I heard a crack. She dropped her hand and looked paniced at my shoulder. " Damn it." She glared at me. "That wasn't suppposed to happen. Sorry darling." Before I could respond she pushed me out the door and had shoved me down the stairs. A scream tore through my lips and Asherds face flashed before mine. I felt the pain of my ankle twisting and snapping on the stairs, my wrist wacking the railing and my rib smacking a wooden step. I gasped as two sets of feet ran to me and I sat there gasping for air. "Oh my gosh, Hope are you alright?" The brittish voice of Opal. I hissed at her as Ash was at my side having stopped the fall from going further. "She just tripped." Nova said her voice fake worried. I opened my mouth to reply but out of Asherds view she pressed down on my back. I cried Asherds eyes flickering to her as he pulled me closer. "Go please, Nova. I have her for now."

I grasped onto Asherd and a sob broke through me as I felt more people crowd around us asking Asherd questions which he quickly shut down. He pulled me forward shushing me.

When we entered back intp the bedroom. He pushed back my hair from my face. "Hope I have the ability to access your memories, love can I see what happened." I stiffened. "Please, Hope." I had barely nodded before his hand was pressed against my neck and our foreheads were pressed together. As tears rolled down my cheek, his body was rigid and soon he pulled away silver eyes flashing angrily.

I was horrified by the thought of Asherd confronting Nova. I sprinted upward grunting in pain to where Asherd was making his way out of the door. He turned to me eyes blazing slightly softening when they laid on me. " Don't be afraid, Hope." He said before turning and calling a guy in. " Killian stay with Hope." I took a step backwards as a lean yet buff red head walked into the room, his arms full of snacks and a bottle of coke. He nodded to Asherr before shutting the door with his foot and sitting in the chair I was previously sitting on. He cocked his head to the side accessing me as I stood there with a tear stained face, a busted lip and a hand clutching my bruised side. He dropped his goodies on the side table and turned to me popping a handful of candy into his mouth. " Movie?" He asked through a mouthful of starbursts as he clicked on the tv and put on a romance movie. I smiled wiping my eyes as he passed me a bag of chips and a coke as I sat on the chair beside him.

By the time Asherd had come back into the room Killian and I were out like lights. Aside from his name sounding like some tough warrior guy, Killian had watched a whole romance movie with me and cried at the sad ending, devoured a box of chocolates and had curled himself into a big blanket passing some to me before we both fell into a sugar crashed sleep. When I finally did wake up, it was too Asherd kneeling in front of me, gently tugging on the blanket to wake me. I glanced over to Kilian's spot to find it deserted, the only thing showing him being there was trash littering the little table and a coke bottle. "I sent him off to his bed." Asherd said quietly. I turned to him. " What happened with Nova?" Ash sighed softly. " She was sent away for awhile." I nodded swallowing. Asherd pulled on my hand helping me sit up. " Alright I know this isn't ideal and you are probably exhausted but I need to clean up some of your cuts on your face and then in the morning I can help you actually wash up or I can get one of the girls too." I nodded as Asherd scooted a bowl closer to him that he had brought with him. He pulled the cloth out of the water and cleaned my wounds that were evident on my face. By the time he was finished I was fighting sleep so he had me cradled in his arms and set me on the bed wrapping the blanket back around him before taking the bowl and rinsing it out. I felt weird without him being there so somewhere in my in-between sleep stages I had muttered for him to come to bed before I was wrapped around him, my legs entwined with his pulling me into a deep warm sleep.

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