Chapter 22

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Chapter 22-Words that burn

When I awoke, Ashered was holding an envelope in his hand. I rolled over and looked at him. He sat on the edge of the bed and didn't meet my eyes. A wave of panic filled me as I realized that his face was almost emotionless. I slowly pulled myself up to sit beside him. The windows were covered in blackout curtains and When Asherd met my eyes it was as if he had seen a ghost. I reached for him and laid my hand on his arm. He instantly tensed. I swallowed hard. "What's wrong?" I asked. Asherd looked at me and I flinched at the look of hate that was in his eyes. "You're leaving, today." I blinked startled. "What do you mean?" I asked. Asherd clenched the Manila envelope in his hands and I tried to reach for it but in a millisecond it was ash. I gasped at him. He stood up buttoning the missing buttons on his shirt and gestured to a suitcase in the corner. "You can put your things in there." I felt anger fill me. "You're just going to make me leave after last night? What was this a ploy to use me and then dump me like scum." Asherd looked at me enraged. "No-Yes Amy and Opal will be here shortly to help you pack you. They will take you home. You're parents are waiting there for you." I shook my head making my way towards him. "You can't do this!" I exclaimed as he slammed the door shut. I tried to pull it open but it was locked. "Bastard." I screamed.

It had been nearly two hours later when I drug myself up from where I sat against the door and began to reluctantly pack my things. I felt drained as I picked every article of clothing that I was supposed to call mine and placed it in a bag. After a couple pieces of clothing I stopped and put my hands in my head. "Hope?" I slowly pulled my hands away from my face to find Opal and Amy eyeing me. "Are you done? There is only two shirts in there." She pointe to the suitcase. "And one of them is Asherds. I scoffed grabbing the side bag May had given me and shoved Asherds shirt in it. I wiped at my eyes black smudging across my hand. "He can keep it." I sneered. Amy swallowed and Opal walked toward me. "It's a long ride you might need a change of clothes. "I scoffed getting up and pushing past them. "I'm fine." I snorted. "Wow now the doors open." I turned to Opal and Amy and glared at their sympathetic gazes. "Well I will be headed to the car." Amy bit her lip. "Asherd wants to cut off all connections so he there is a chauffeur downstairs. I fought the urge to scream and sucked in a breath. "I see. You all want me gone." Opal shook her head. "You don't understand. We are not in charge here." I rolled my eyes. "Of course not." I sneered walking out of the door and nearly barreling into Asherd. I couldn't breath as his eyes found mine. A flash of remorse passed his grey irises before I felt tears spill down my face. "Please." I whispered. Asherd looked at me and shook his head.
"No, Hope." And I swear I heard a hint of sadness. "Please." I asked again reaching my hand to touch his chest. He moved back and I felt Opals hand grip mine. I looked at her stunned. "Come on." She urged. I looked back at Asherd and he gazed out of the window expressionless. I pulled towards him only for Opal to wrap her arms around me and begin to practically drag me down the stairs. I screamed and kicked until Asherd was down the stairs and was holding my shoulders. Opal let go and quickly left. I looked at Asherd horrified at him for making me leave. He wrapped his arm around my waist and slowly pulled me to the black suburban that waited for me. He opened the door and let go of my shoulders to cup my face. He pressed a kiss to my forehead and ushered me into the backseat where a guard sat along with another in the driver seat. "Why are you letting me go?" I asked confused. Asherd shook his head. "I'm sorry, love. You have too. They'll keep you safe." I reached for his hand. "Ash." He slowly pushed my hand away. "No and don't try to come find me. And with that the door was shut and locked as Asherds image tortured my soul as it faded in the side mirror of the car.

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