Chapter 37

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Chapter 37- The Wait

Ashered needed 24 hours to set up the ceremony. All I had to do was wait and choose who to be with. Which strangely enough I found extremely difficult.

Dr.Vance and Xavier had walked me from her office to the ballroom hall. The doors were secure enough to hold a angry bloodthirsty vampire according to Xavier. I didn't think I was, the only thing I had noticed was that my skin had become clammy.

Dr. Vance had left after somewhat forcefully making me drink the concoction she had made. It was the foulest thing I had tasted. I was to get another dose by 12 hours so that I would be alright. It was very important to take or I would become ravenous.

The ballroom was completely empty, gone were the chairs and tables, just a vast open area.

In the middle there was a basket with food, blankets and a jug of water.

The curtains were drawn and all of the doors were locked with guards standing and awaiting orders.

"How about a movie?" Xavier asked motioning to a big projection screen that was set up. 

I shrugged half heartedly. The likelihood of me paying attention was quite slim considering I had to figure out who I wanted to commit myself too. "Why can't I just burn something that was special to Delilah?" I asked as I sat down on the blanket that Xavier straightened.

He looked at me and I saw a flash of pain trickle across his features and guilt filled me. The girl who had tried to kill me was also his sister. "It doesn't work that way, Hope." I opened my mouth to apologize but he shook his head at me.

"She was just a kid and she wasn't used to animal blood. It was a hard change after living on that all of her life." I swallowed hard at this.

"You drank human blood before you realized that you had a soulmate that was human or at least is at the moment." I muttered the last part.

"Yes and No. I have been trying to convince my people to transition to something that would not involve hurting others and nothing worked until I found out you were my amor and they decided to join me in drinking from animals."

Xaviers dark eyes looked into me and he smiled softly. "You don't have to reject the transition, Hope. I can help you change and I will be there every step of the way if you decide too. I would be more than honored to be by your side, my Amor."

I bit into my lip and flinched slightly as my tooth dug into the flesh. I tried to imagine myself harming someone just so that I could survive but I could not bring myself think like that.

"I'm sorry Xavier. I can't become like you. This is not who I am."

Xavier reached over and grazed my hand and I felt an electric pull flow through me. I gasped and pulled back my hand.

He moved toward me catlike and grabbed my jaw. "Let me kiss you and if you feel nothing I will stop fighting for you." I was breathing heavily by the time his lips pressed feverently against mine. I bit back a gasp as he sucked on my bottom lip and he let his fangs lightly graze my lips. He pulled back and trailed his cold hand down my neck. He looked at me awaiting an answer and when all I could do was take in gulps of air I knew that I couldn't deny that I hadn't felt something.

He smirked at me and stood up, walking toward the door. "Just something to marinate on, Hope. You wouldn't feel anything if I wasn't supposed to be in your life." I swallowed. How was I supposed to react to that. There wasn't much I could say. What I felt for Ashered could light a thousand candles but what I felt when my lips touched Xaviers cold mouth pressed against mine felt like a fire trying to ignite a straw house. And to be completely honest I wasn't sure that was good thing.

I chewed on my lip as Xavier left the room and shut the door leaving me with my thoughts for merely a moment. I began to question everything silently as the door opened and in walked Xavier. The man who was part wolf that saved and possibly ended my human life.

He looked at me with his eyes and I was sure that I was lost on what to do. Who in their right mind gave a girl my age not one but multiple soulmates and forced her to choose. Why couldn't I just choose myself. And that was when an idea formed in my head.

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