Chapter 51

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Chapter 51- Moving on From This

I don't know what to do. I hold the letter in by hand and my stomach churns. My dad had wanted me to watch over my mother. I pinch my eyes shut and groan at my incompetence.

Tiredly I set down the letter and put my head between my knees trying to figure out what to do.

I looked back at the scribbles my dad called handwriting and sucked in a breath.
I mummer a spew of curse words before grabbing my heels and keys heading for the door.

I take in a few breaths before I open the door and who I find has me defensively holding up a heel. "What are you doing here?" I snap.

It was Nova. She looks worried. Her hair is braided and her dark skin is glossier. She wore a slick black dress and she purses her velvet red lips. "I'm surprised you didn't hide somewhere further. And if you want to be conspicuous maybe try changing your name." It only took me a day to get here by car." I peered around her curious as to what she drove but she moved forward blocking my view. "I'm not here to show you my car, there are bigger things at stake, Hope." My eyes found hers and the look in them had my stomach plummeting. "Its Ashered, he's drowned himself in work and has become a cold hearted leader. Almost absent of emotion."

My mind tried to wrap itself around the idea of Ashered being cold hearted and it made my chest clutch. "What am I supposed to do about that." I mumbled annoyed.

Nova scoffed motioning to the keys that I had clutched in my hand. "You were headed there anyway weren't you?" I hid my hand behind my back defensively. "How did you know that?" I sneered.

Nova rolled her eyes. "Please, Hope its three AM why else would you be up." I opened my mouth to argue but the truth was I was headed there just not for the same reasons she thought. Guilt plagued me again and a feeling of annoyance overtook me. "I'm not going for Ashered. I am only going to get my mom and leave." I snapped waving my heel in her face.

"Whatever you say, Hope. I'll take you." I snorted. "No I don't want to spend a whole day in a car with you."

Nova rolled her eyes. "I already called Killian and he has arranged for us to ride with Fallon on a jet back to the hotel.

"I can't see him." I snapped as Nova reached forward to grab at my arm. She retracted her hand and looked at my pained expression that I was sure was written across my face.

"You can't keep running from it."

I swallowed and watched as she turned on her heel and left. I gritted my teeth fighting the urge to run after her but it wasn't long before I found myself hurrying down the stairs.

I looked at her shiny black cruse and shook my head to myself before getting into my own vehicle. I turned the ignition and it rolled. I could feel my stomach drop. No I silently prayed as I continued to try it, the engine rolling over and over.

I growled angrily ripping open my car door. The alarm on the car door dinged and the dim yellow light shone as I stomped over too Nova. "What the hell?"

I snapped. Nova looked at me from where she leaned against the drivers door. Her face was calm. "I didn't touch your car."

I began to argue but was cut off. "I on the other hand did."

I turned around slowly to find Opal. Her hair was now white and it reached the tip of her collarbone. Her milky skin looked even more beautiful with the night shining darkly over it.

"You need to come and don't argue. There's missing people and we need our leader and the only one that can get through to him is you."

Opal shut the door to my car and I didn't even attempt to say anything as she grabbed the keys from my hands. Nova just as timely opened the back door to her car.

I swallowed and found Opals gaze. "Who's missing?" I asked trying to keep my voice from cracking.

Opals eyes were unwavering. "The newborn, Melvin is missing along with Gale and your mother."

Find it on my profile- His Special

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