Chapter 25

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Chapter 25- I cannot lose you again

I felt like a weight was lifted off my chest and just as quickly it was back. I glared at Ashered and Opal, unable to hold my rage. "What are you doing here?" I snapped bitterly. "I thought that you wanted me gone." Ashered looked at me assessing me, making sure that I was alright before turning back to the other people in the room. A pang in my chest spread throughout my body as he disregarded me. I swallowed as my dad took his drink and sat beside mom. Mom smiled and rolled her eyes taking the drink from his hand and brushed her fingers across his beard. "Honey, I told you to shave." She scolded to which he grumbled. Mom looked at me reaching out a hand toward me. "You were in on this too?" I asked slowly. Mom smiled softly. "Dear, come sit so that we can talk about this." I shook my head, my arms tightly crossed over my chest. I tried not to say anything else, fearful that tears would spill from my eyes.

Opal stood up and walked toward me and reached for my hand. I snatched it away just as quickly. I took a step back and looked to where, Killen, Henry, and Hunter each blocked an exit. They followed my every move as my eyes darted from the balcony, the door I came in and the one that led to what I assumed was a hallway.

"Hope." I snapped my attention to Ashered and I almost couldn't see him from the tears that blocked my vision. He reached for me and I jerked back, blinking as the tears slid down my face. "You- you just left me." I could barely form what I wanted to say. Ashered looked at me heartbroken. He clenched his jaw and grasped my arms, I tried to pull away but his grip tightened. "Listen to me, please-." I struggled against him as everyone watched. "No, you wanted me gone so let me go." Ashereds eyes darkened. "Stop." He snapped. I froze and his eyes turned soft, I could see pain in them. " You don't understand. I had too." He whispered. I let out a breath. " What made you have too send me away." It was one word that stopped me from fighting against him.


I felt like the air had been knocked out of me. "What?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

I slowly let Ashered lead me to one of the dark velvet seats. He sat across from me with my parents and Opal, the strange woman sitting in a chair beside them. "This is Uma, she is a seer." Uma looked to me with calculating black eyes. Her fingers were decorated in rings, her skin was wrinkled, beads hung from black dreads. " I see she is gone." Uma said looking at me waving her finger before herself. I looked to Ashered skeptically. " She is a seer for the light fallen. She has been working for us for a long time." He assured. I blinked. " Why don't you just use Amy?" I asked looking to Killen who avoided eye contact.

"She isn't trained well enough yet. She is working on her abilities with others that have smiliar gifts like her. Uma and Amy are the only known Seers in the world so they have to be protected."

I nodded, my attention drawn back to Uma as she muttered to herself taking off her black ring and twisted it around.

"What does she have to with Simone?" I asked cautiously. Mom reached her hand forward grasping mine, our eyes meeting. "Its about Gale." My face paled at the mention of my friend. "What happened..?" I asked slowly.

There was a long pause.

" Simone took her."

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