Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- Internal wounds vs External wounds

After my mom told me about everyone having a special, soon after Amy walked in. My mom sensing the need for conversation left kissing my cheek. "Hey." Amy said sitting on the edge of her bed and fiddling with her fingers. "I'm sorry that I left." I said scratching my neck awkwardly. Amy nodded. "Yeah, I have a hard time controlling my visions. I'm sorry." I shook my head. " Don't feel bad about it," I said gazing out of the window where the sun was sinking behind the naked fall trees.  Amy sighed and I turned to her. "Your powers actually seem fascinating." I said cocking my head to the side. Amy beamed at this. "Really?!" She asked excitedly. I nodded. She opened her mouth to reply when the door was opened.  A tall burly man, with a beard and long hair that was tied into a bun looked to Amy. "Amy, Asherd asked that Hope is left to rest." Amy's shoulders slumped. "Oh." She mummered standing up. I grabbed onto the wall pulling myself up. " She doesn't have to leave." I said leaning against the wall shakily. The man observed my form and shook his head. " Sorry, Miss." he said draping an arm over Amy as she rested her head on his chest. "Sleep well." He said pulling the door shut. I frowned at the door and slid down the wall leaning against the wall.
After awhile I found myself sprawled across a chair, reading and old book I had found about the titanic. I felt tears cloud my eyes. I had felt the loss of someone before and I had almost cost lives today. I didn't even know if anyone was injured. "Hope." Startled the book in my hands hurtled to the ground. Asherd bent down and retrieved in placing it in my lap and sat in the chair beside me. "I'm sorry I got angry with you, hope." I sniffles holding the book closer to me. I shook my head. " I understand, Ash. What I did was reckless. Did I....did anyone get hurt." Asherd chuckled softly. "Just a couple cuts and brusies, I think you took the worst of it all." Asherd said looking me over. I looked over at his shirt, wings hidden beneath it. " And so did you." I whispered. Asherd nodded. " What's bothering you? I can feel you're in pain." I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Feel it?" I asked. " Did you not feel my anger earlier. I looked at him and realized that I had felt anger but I assumed that it was mine, but it was far stronger than I had ever felt. I nodded. "I guess I did."
"So tell me, love what is bothering you." I pulled my legs up in criss cross apple sauce. I set the book on the side table and hugged my arms around myself. I could feel the empty feeling. The pain, heartache, how much I missed her. Suddenly arms were around me. Asherd pulled me into his lap. "Shh love." He cooed wiping a tear from my eye I didn't realize I hadn't shed. I felt so choked up, conflicted whether or not to tell him or to leave it where I had tried so hard to bury it.
"Hope?" He asked concerned. I pulled from his arms and walked to the other side of the room, my face in the palms of my hands, a loud sob choking me. "Hope." He asked again walking to stand beside me and pull my hands from my now puffy eyes. "I- I never wanted anyone to get hurt. I- I lost my sister about it three months ago and I know how it feels. I'm sorry- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-." Sobs broke my words into fragments but I knew that he had heard me. He ever so gently pulled me into an embrace and when my legs gave out beneath me, he supported me. I leaned on his chest and sobbed. I cried the tears that had needed to be shed. I cried for the pain I was in both mentally and physically, for being different, confused and overall for grieving the loss of my sister and the more lives that I had almost caused to be taken away. "Everything is alright, Hope no one is hurt and I'm here. I'm here." He whispered.

Soon enough I was in Asherds arms lying in bed. The crying had finally ended and my cheeks felt stiff, my eyes dry and tiredness filled me. I laid on Asherds chest my hands mindlessly playing my with a string on his shirt as he ran his hands through my red hair soothingly. I looked up at him and our eyes met. His the ocean and mine evergreen trees. " I want to learn how to defend myself." I whispered. Asherd grew still his hands lingering on a strand of my red hair. I waited for his reply, our eyes boring into each other's. After a long while he replied. " Only a few basic moves, nothing to outrageous." I smiled softly at him and placed a kiss on his cheek. " Course." I replied, even though I full well intended to be taught everything that I could about how to defend and fight like a warrior. Like my parents. If they can do it how hard can it be.

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