Chapter 35

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Chapter 35- Blood Exchange

After some convincing I got Arman to lead me to where a small meeting was being held with all of the leaders. The room was silent as soon as I opened the door, all attention on me. Opal looked at me cautiously, waiting for me to blurt out something but instead I walked in and stood off to the side waiting for the conversation to continue. Ashered looked at me but instead of annoyed like Alaric he nodded his head at me, grinning slightly.
I smiled meekly, glad that maybe had calmed down after we had talked some.
Alaric on the other hand was not having it.
"Why did you bring her in here Arman?"
Arman looked at him and shrugged leaning against the wall.
"I think it's a good idea and before anyone objects we have no time to waste, so leave it be."
I looked to Fallon and nodded in thanks to which he dipped his head slightly.
Xavier looked at me inquisitively before speaking.
"We have found that some of our people have migrated to the other side, specifically the fairies." All attention snapped to a girl who stood off, her face like stone. She was gorgeous, white hair flowing over her shoulder, eyes focused on Xavier, staring intently, her wings untucked from her shirt unlike Ashered who somehow managed to hide his massive wings beneath his clothing.
"And I am to be responsible?" She spat, "I did not ask for my leader to side with Simone but he did." Her dark eyes slid to mine and the hair on my neck stood up and I inched back closer to where Arman stood.
She scoffed at this. "I don't care if the girl hears, it's not as if she can do anything but people are choosing sides because they think that we are weak and will lose. They may be right. We could barely fend off Simone and his prick of a helper, we need to work harder. Push everyone, no matter the species." Her eyes again drew to me and this time I felt recognized for me. I could fight, with practice of course.
Ashereds eyes found mine. "I agree, Indra."
"And I will personally offer my assistance to training, everyone."
Indra emphasized the everyone and I knew that we would get along fine.

I was glad that she recognized me as an able bodied person.

For some bold reason I stepped forward and spoke.

"You're right, you are here because of me. My parents are warriors and I am their daughter. I will better my skills in training and aid in anyway I can."

I could feel Ashered's proud smile. There were nods and mutters of agreement.
Alaric seemed unhappy but didn't say anything.

Arman walked forward to the middle of the room, where the refreshments sat and poured himself a glass of wine. "Now that we have gotten this over with, let us talk about the plan."

After we had gone over the plan in depths and had figured out what to do I went out to the gardens behind the dinning hall.

It was peaceful and the sun was almost on the horizon, pink, blue and yellow intermixing together. I walked through the gardens, brushing my hands against all of the flowers and leaves. I loved the earthy smell that it all emitted and I was so caught up in it I didn't even realize when I pricked my hand on a bright yellow rose.

I hissed and pressed it to my lips, cradling it. It burned with a sharp sensation and when I turned I was taken aback to find Xavier s sister. Her eyes were a fiery red and I took a hesitant step back.

"Just let me have a little taste, Xavier has been staving us since he has found out about you, only letting us drink animal blood.

I swallowed and waved my hand in defense before I pulled my hand back down realizing that I was showcasing my bloody finger.

"Its just a little cut, nothing to fret about."

She laughed bitterly at me. "That is where you are wrong, Hope." She hissed my name and I felt like I could vomit as fear overcame. I thought of what had happened to Hannah, how she became and that was when I bolted.

I spun around a rose bush and back toward the door. With unseen speed Xavier's sister was before me. I stumbled backwards tripping, barely missing as her sharp nails tried to grab a hold of me.

I panted and dove over one of the bushes. There was a vast field behind the castle that led to woods and without any other choice I made a run for it.

"Hope!" I heard Alaric scream at me. I turned trying to see where his voice was coming from and was greeted with Xavier's sister. "Delilah, no!"

Delilah did not listen to her brother as her nails sunk into my shoulder gripping onto me. I screamed, thrashing. Her mouth bit down into my collarbone and I howled in agony. I took my palm and beat it into her face. She only growled and went to swipe at my arm. I snatched it and dug my own non vampire teeth into her arm until I could taste her blood.

She hissed angrily and laughed at me. She pulled away wiping her mouth, her smile wicked. "I guess you and I are going to be one now." I felt myself visibly pale at her statement.

Just as quickly as her grin arrived it disappeared head rolling to the ground. Alaric s massive wolf roaring, digging into the corpse of Delilah

I couldn't even manage to make a sound. My eyes were wide and horrified, my heart was in my throat and I was shaking. I rolled to the side and vomited. Xavier dove for Alaric and threw him off of his sister, hissing at him when he tried to snap at him. His eyes were watered and he sobbed as he dropped to his knees.

I held my neck where blood began to pool from my neck. Opal despite what you would expect, appeared and held back Alaric, talking soothing words to him in an effort to calm him.

I didn't know what to do, I had bit a vampire, she had bit me and I was pretty sure that did not mean anything good, not to mention her head was inches from me.

"Hope." A calm voice asked.

I looked up at Arman and then to the head and shook. He reached for me, his long arms encasing me. "Shhh." He soothed. I hadn't even realized that I had began to cry until it slipped down my shirt. Arman picked me up into his arms and whispered for me to calm down.

"We are going to the healer, Ashered will be there, it will be okay, Hope."

I heard a slight pause in his statement and felt my heart plummet. Yeah

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