Chapter 21

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Chapter 21- Poison in the veins

Asherd screamed in horror, a force unseen shooting across in every direction. Magic. His magic. Simone flew backwards and I dropped to my knees, my hands pressing to my throat as my blood coated my pale fingertips. I gasped and choked as blood pooled in my mouth. Asherd went to me and dropped to his knees as I fell into his arms. He pressed his hand over mine and I watched as Opal mummers something to him hurriedly. All I could hear was ringing in my ears as Opal took Asherds place. She grabbed ahold of me and I faintly heard her say she not to be afraid as a cloud of darkness swooped around us and we were in  bedroom. I couldn't register what it looked like gurgling in blood, my head feeling heavy and my eyes fluttering open and shut. I barely realized I had slipped into unconsciousness as Opal shook me yelling my name.

My throat was dry when I woke up. My head pounded and I placed my fingers against my neck. There was no blood but I could feel scar tissue. I swallowed and winced as the pain ricochet through me. A hand grasped mine and pillows were propped up behind me. "Hey." I blinked my eyes adjusting to find Asherd his hand grasping mine as he looked me over. His eyes lingered on my throat and I reached  my hand up in an effort to shield it. Asherd grabbed my hand as I trembled. "It's okay." He whispered and as tears slid rapidly down my face he slid into the bed beside me. I placed my head on his chest, shutting my eyes and shivering I placed my face into his chest. Asherd brushed his hands across my back and soothingly stroked my hair until once more I was asleep.

It was days later I woke up again. I awoke to a woman with pearly eyes and bright pink eyesbadow pressing her hands to my throat. I was frozen in fear for a second before I shot forward and pushed her away from me stumbling over her. I pressed my hand to my throat shaking as I ran into Opal. She grasped me by my shoulders and looked between me and the pearly eyed woman. The woman stood up wiping away her dark brown hair from her face. She smoothed over her silk dress and turned to me. "She is healing you." Opal said soothingly. I looked at her furrowing my brows before she directed me in front of a sliver mirror. I gasped placing my hand to my throat. There was a sliver of  a scar on the right side of my neck but other than that the deep scar I felt was gone. I brushed my hand across it, my fingers shaking. My bones were sunken in, cheekbones sharp from lack of nourishment. Opal laid a hand on my shoulder. "I'll get Asherd."she soothed leaving me with the pearly eyed woman. The woman blinked at me, hair a dark blue, cascading down her back. "Mira, you can come back later. Thank you again." My head whipped around as Asherd spoke entering the room.  Our eyes locked and I flung my arms around him and he grasped me tightly pulling me into him. I felt myself crumble, tears streaming down my face as I sobbed. He pulled me into his arms and we both fell to the floor, I held onto him like he would leave any second. Grasping his shirt like it was all that was left. I buried my head deep into the knook of neck, and he pressed tender kisses along my neck. I reached up grasping my throat when he pulled away gently to examine me. His fingers grazed my neck and I struggled not to flinch. "I'm sorry." I shook my head pressing my lips against his, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissed him hungrily. "It's not your fault." I said as I gasped for air. He pressed his lips against mine finding my tounge and dancing with it. "I love you." I pulled away when he said this both of us panting. "What?" I whispered. He shook his head pulling away. "You don't have to say it back, Hope. But I love you." He pulled away completely standing up and ruffling his hair. I watched his muscles contract and he flexed his hands.
I walked up to him, brushing my hand against his exposed wings, somehow through this his shirt had been disposed of. "I love you too." I whispered almost inaudibly but he heard me. He turned around and crashed his lips onto mine, the both of us falling onto the bed, ripping the clothing from our bodies and it was then I knew that I loved a fallen angel.

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