Chapter 17

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Chapter 17- Your people

When I turned, there Asherd was. Dark black hair messily falling into his eyes, hand outstretched to mine. His eyes looking into mine. "How was the car ride?" He asked. My mouth hung open slightly as I thought of everything that had happened. "Good." I said as I took his hand and he helped me out. He gently placed a hand on my waist as we entered the gas station we had pulled into. "Grab whatever you like." He said opening the door. I nodded walking straight over to the coffee area, as he diverted to go to the waters and talk with Amy. "How are you doing?" I turned from pouring a creamer in my coffee to my mom. I shrugged.

"I just learned a lot about, well, the fallen." I sighed and dumped some sugar into the dark coffee. "I am supposed to lead the light fallen, mom. Did you know that." My mom leaned against the counter, taking a bite from her chocolate bar. She shrugged nochantly. "Yes, as his special you are to be a leader alongside him.
I didn't know that You were Asherds mate until one day, my boss walked in the door with you."
I put the lid on my coffee. "That's why you let him in so easily." I muttered. "Yes, he is your special his job is to protect you, honey. I knew something was wrong when he wouldn't leave and had brought you home." I nodded picking up my coffee and snatching a bag of pretzels from the shelf sighed. "So you know about what Simone did then."  My mom grabbed my arm. "Yes, you're father and I know and he will pay for trying to kill you." I furrowed my eyebrows, stopping my walking to the register. "How did you not know it was him?" My mom sighed. "Because honey, the dark ones have the ability to mask how we see them, alter our visual interpretation of themselves."
I nodded and watched with wide eyes as Asherd slapped a stack of 100s on the counter where the cashier stood. My mom chuckled at my expression and gave my shoulders a squeeze. "Honey, go see Asherd. I'm heading to the car." I walked toward him and blinked. "Where did you get all that money?" I asked. Asherd laughed lightly wrapping an arm around my waist and pushing open the door to outside for the both of us. "I have my resources." I- wow." I said lost for words. I stopped in my tracks. "Asherd?" I asked. Asherd waited for me to continue. "Do you think that if I left that Simone would stop trying to hurt your people." I asked as a guard passed by us and took my coffee and pretzels to the car. Asherds grip tightened around me and he swung me around to him facing away from everyone. "Don't ever say that, Hope. Simone can get you anywhere. It doesn't matter if you leave. He will find you. I won't let him take you and you aren't going to leave because of him. I swallowed. "I- but." Asherd pulled away dark hair falling in his face, eyes dark and unreadable. "Do you want to leave?" I looked at him taken aback. "I don't want to hold you back, Hope." I opened my mouth and closed it. "I- no." I said honestly. Asherd nodded and pulled me into his arms. I smiled into his chest wrapping his a arms around me at his protective embrace. He kissed the top of my head before pulling away and picking me up into his arms. I squeaked and laughed as he opened the car door and placed me into the back seat. "And Hope." I looked at him expectantly. "These are your people too." And with he untangled his arms from my waist and shut the door climbing into the passenger seat.

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