1) Metro Meet

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Alec got on the train. He had waited for what felt like ages and after a long day at the pet shop he just couldn't wait to get home and sleep. He'd grab some Chinese takeout from his local and then head home, change out of his clothes and just lay in bed eating his food and watching some crappy show until he drifted off. However he still had the 30 minute ride before then.

He managed to get a seat on the busy carriage and looked out the window watching as the world flash past against the windows as they travelled. He noticed he was seated opposite some dramatic looking man but he hadn't paid much attention when he got on. As he turned his eyes away from the window he noticed that the man was looking at him over the top of his magazine but once Alec caught him staring he quickly turned his focus back to it. Alec looked a little confused by the strange man actions but decided to forget about it and just focus on the view.

It wasn't until 10 minutes later when he caught the man looking again that he decided he should probably say something. He wasn't sure if he had done anything wrong but he was worried by how he was being looked at.

"Sorry, sir, Erm... is everything ok? You keep looking at me?" Alec stuttered.

"Yes, Sorry. It's just... your eyes are just amazing. I keep getting lost in them. Sorry that was really forward. It's your eyes, and the fact that you have some sort of brown stain down your shirt" The man laughed.

"Oh... Erm... thanks. And that is dog food. Sorry I own a pet store. It's not the easiest place to stay clean" Alec answered nervously. He wasn't sure why he felt to unsure in this man presence but he was.

"Oh that's amazing. Do you have cats?" The man asked looking rather excited.

"Yes... yeah I have cats" Alec palms were beginning to sweat under the look of the man in front of him. He had chocolate button eyes and black hair that was styled perfectly with a flash of glitter running through it. Alec really liked it.

"Oh that's perfect. I'm looking to buy a cat. Where are you based... Erm?" The man stopped to let Alec answer his unasked question.

"Alec.. Alexander... my names Alexander. And I'm based in Brooklyn on 42nd street by the Starbucks" Alec answered.

"That's great. I own my own company not to far away on 8th Avenue. I'm Magnus by the way" with that Magnus stretched out his hand which Alec took and shook.

"Nice to meet you. And wow 8th Avenue, your business must be doing well" Alec said genuinely impressed by the man in front of him.

"Well that's lovely for you to say. Yes I own Bane Cosmetics so I suppose I do ok" Magnus said with a smirk at Alec's raised eyebrows.

"Oh my, my sister loves your make up and dresses. That's amazing. You wait till I tell her that I met The Magnus Bane. She will be so jealous" Alec grinned.

He and his little sister, Izzy had a great relationship filled with a lot of banter that Alec just loved. They were able to call each other out on their wrongful doings but also knew that nothing could get them to fall out. Alec had loved all his family. His mother and father, Maryse and Robert, had their ups and downs but they had sorted their problems and where about to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Alec's adopted brother, Jace, and his little brother, Max, were the best brothers he could ask for and he knew he wouldn't be the man he was today with them all.

"I'm so pleased to hear that. Maybe she could come to your store tomorrow when I come in to get a cat. I'd loved to meet her, maybe get some advice on some fashion lines in doing. I'd like an outsiders opinion. Unless she's in the fashion business herself of course?" Magnus queried.

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