72) Hotel

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Alec looked around at the cloudless blue skies and the tropical scenery on the horizon of the small airport. Excitement looming over him when he recognised their destination and now understanding Magnus's eagerness this morning but apprehension now. Turning to Magnus, he wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him in close.

"Baby. Why are we in Barbados?" Alec asked, he was sure why they was there but also not wanting to expect their marriage now when Magnus hadn't said anything.

"I thought we could have a weeks holiday at our wedding destination. You know, to see if you liked it before I actually booked anywhere" Magnus explained, smiling softly as he wrapped his arms around Alec's neck. Magnus was sure he felt Alec tense a little at his words before relaxing again.

"Oh... we are just here for a holiday... thats.. great" Alec smiled, hoping not to let Magnus know of his disappointment. "Wait... who's looking after the shop?"

"Don't worry about that. I've sorted it. Simon and Izzy are taking turns to manage the place and don't even think about the money side of it. There wages are being paid by me. You just have to sit and relax in the sun. Ok?" Magnus beamed.

"Ok" Alec added. His feeling of sadness that they wasn't there to actually get married hitting him, knowing that if Izzy wasn't here then they definitely wouldn't be getting married.

"So do you want to go and check in at the hotel?" Magnus asked, taking Alec's hand before he could answer as they walked down the plane steps and got in the convertible car that was waiting for them.

It was about a 30 minute drive from the airport to their hotel and the journey had helped to fix Alec's mood majorly. The warm air that hit his face melting the despaired feeling of them not getting married. Knowing that even though he had to wait longer, he would soon be back here and becoming Mr Lightwood-Bane.

They checked in and was taken up to the top floor suite, the room being the honeymoon suite only annoyed Alec since they wasn't even on their honeymoon but the view was beautiful and the room was amazing. A huge king size bed took up most of the bedroom. Its deep green satin sheets covered in rose petals and mini chocolates on the pillows adding to the luxury romantic look. It had 1 huge walk in closet which Alec know Magnus would mostly fill, leaving him just a small space for his shirts before putting his his the dark wood chest of drawers. A matching dressing table occupied one side of the room. Double doors, that were open, led into the living room with a big corner in grey facing the big wide screen TV with some dark wood side tables, the matched the ones in the bedroom, and a coffee table which was on a fluffy yellow circular rug. The dark green carpets, that ran all the way through both rooms, making it look like a sun that stood out. The bathroom housed a normal shower but a huge bath that had jets on either side, making Alec want to relax in a warm bath there and then. Alec looked around and took in the room before smiling as Magnus tipped the bell boy before he wrapped his arms around Magnus once more.

"Are you ok Alexander? You seem quiet and a little... spaced?" Magnus asked, a little concerned seeing Alec's distracted look.

"Hmm... yes yeah I'm fine. Sorry." Alec smiled, trying to look happier then he felt at that moment.

"Baby... talk to me? Have I done something wrong?" Magnus asked putting a hand on either side of Alec's face so he was forced to look at him.

"Everything is great. I'm sorry, its just... Its silly really but when we landed and... and I saw where we were, I don't know, I thought that maybe you had planned for us to get married. Thats all. Its my own fault, its just I left the details to you and I just put two and two together... looks like I came up with five though" Alec chuckled softly.

"Oh baby. I'm really sorry. I didn't think. Do...Do you want to get married? Today?" Magnus's asked seeing a flicker of different emotions in Alec's eyes from love, worry, excitement, to finally settling on guilt.

"Of course I do. However, I can't. Not without our wedding guests. I can't get married at least without Izzy. Thank you for the offer though. Honestly, I'm ok. I'm now just excited to spend a whole week with you, no worries or interruptions" Alec grinned putting a kiss on Magnus's lips.

"Thats true. She will never let us live it down" Magnus chuckled. "Are you sure you are okay though? I didn't mean to make you feel sad or anything. I just thought it was a nice idea"

"Baby. Its a wonderful idea, I just let my imagination runaway with me. I can't wait to lay on the beach with you, soaking up the sun with a few buckets of margaritas each" Alec smirked.

"I definitely have corrupted you if you think you can drink a few buckets of margaritas" Magnus chuckled pulling Alec into a kiss when Alec phone started to ring. Alec took his phone out his pocket to see Izzys caller ID come up.

Alec: Hey Iz. Is everything ok?
Izzy: Hey yeah everything is good. How are you both?
Alec: Yeah we are all good thank you. Oh thank you for looking after the shop by the way.
Izzy: the shop?
Alec: yes? My shop? The pet shop? Magnus said you was looking after it whilst we was on holiday?
Izzy: Ohh yes of course. Sorry. Simons on that job today and I completely forgot what you was on about.
Alec: Okay? Sure everything is ok Iz?
Izzy: Yes just checking in. Enjoy your holiday. Give Magnus my best. Bye
Alec: will do, bye

With the the call cut off and Alec looked at his phone like it was the strangest object before shaking his head and looking at Magnus.

"Everything okay with Isabelle?" Magnus asked seeing Alec's expression.

"Yeah, just my weird sister as usual. Anyway, what do you say we get unpack and changed ready to hit the pool?" Alec beamed, dragging up the suitcases onto the bed and starting to unzip them.

"Someone's eager" Magnus smirked, starting to empty his cosmetics suitcase.

"Well I haven't had a holiday since I was about 7 years old. I'm looking forward to spending as much time doing nothing apart from being with you" Alec grinned opening his suitcases and tipping them out onto the bed as much to Magnus's dismay as the neatly folded clothes tumbled out into a pile.

It didn't take Alec long to put away his clothes, tidier now since the first time Magnus had complained and Alec had to put everything away better. Waiting on the bed, he watched Magnus unpack his suitcase and perfectly place everything on where he needed it. Finally after what felt like an eternity, both me where ready to go and had changed into their swimming trunks, a couple of towels slung over their shoulders, they took each other's hand and walked to the beach. The hot sun baking down onto their skin and wrapping them in the warmth of the Barbados Sun.

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