16) Opening Up

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Alec got home and found Izzy sitting on the couch after already letting herself in. He'd given her a key for emergency which she never stuck to and just came by whenever she felt like it. At first it used to annoy him but now it was nice to not have to come home to an empty apartment sometimes.

"Hey Iz. You ok?" Alec asked, putting the pizza box on the side.

"Hi, yeah I'm good. You?" Izzy said, standing up to grab herself a plate and a couple of slices.

"Yeah I'm ok. I just bumped into Magnus actually" Alec smiled, taking a plate of pizza too and walking over to the couch. "He was with that woman still but he's going to come over after, actually I need to text him my address" taking out his phone quickly to text him.

"Ah yes. Camille. She's an odd one, you know. I said hello to her when she came by to meet Magnus and she just completely blanked me until Magnus told her I was his boyfriends sister, then she was smiling at me. Not a nice smile either" Izzy said raising her eyebrows and taking a bite.

"Yeah she was watching us to talk outside the restaurant earlier. She seemed a bit pissed at me for interrupting them but I don't care. Wait...Magnus called me his boyfriend to her?" Alec beamed up suddenly.

"Yes Alec. God you're so cute when you're in love" Izzy said giggling and shook her head playfully.

"When I'm in love? Iz, I've never been in love before?" Alec frowned confused.

"Erm... are you forgetting Jace?" Izzy challenged him.

"Okay I was not in love with Jace okay. He was a friend and attractive thats all. Plus I was only starting to realise my sexuality then... it was a confusing time" Alec said not sure if he was trying to convince himself or his sister.

"Whatever you say, big brother" Izzy laughed before devouring her slice on pizza while Alec merely groaned, irritated and ate his too.

An hour or so later, Izzy got up to leave after they had both managed to eat an entire pizza and watch an episode of Izzy's favourite trash TV. It wasn't long after that Alec heard the door bell going and rang the buzzer to allow Magnus to come up. Alec had already cleaned the place and tried to make it look better but as he wasn't as rich as Magnus he did worry what he would think of his place.

As the front door knocked, Alec took a deep breath and opened the door to take in sight of the handsome hunk in the door way. He had already seen what Magnus was wearing before but he didn't quite take notice like he was now, too distracted by the woman he was with.

"H-Hi" Alec stuttered shyly making Magnus smile. "C-come in"

Magnus walked in a looked around the small apartment taking in the sights of the white walls, black carpet and basic furniture. He turned a gave Alec a quick peck on the lips.

"Hello Handsome, I like your place. Its homely" Magnus smiled, genuinely liking Alec's apartment.

"T-Thank you. I mean we could go back to yours if you like its probably a bit more updated. Its not the best place I know and you're probably used to more lavish stuff so if you wa..." Alec was interrupted by Magnus's lips on his once again, silencing him before he talked to much like he normally did.

"Alexander, I love it" Magnus said hugging Alec.

"Thank you. I was worried you wouldn't like it" Alec shrugged looking down as Magnus lifted his chin, forcing him to meet the other mans eyes.

"Alexander, I haven't always had money you know. I grew up very poor as I didn't have a mother or father. So I do honestly really love your home. Its welcoming and relaxing" Magnus said. Although Alec frowned, realising that Magnus hadn't actually ever spoken about his family before and never realised he grew up the way he did.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know about your parents" Alec didn't really know what to say.

"Its fine. Old news" Magnus waved his hand in the air, brushing off the uncomfortable conversation. He'd never really spoken about his family before and didn't like to either.

"You know if you want to talk about it, we can. I would love to get to know you better but I understand if not" Alec shrugged before heading to the sofa, taking Magnus's hand to follow him and sitting next to each other.

"There's not really much to tell. My mother took her own life and my step-father blamed me for it then left me. I don't know who my real dad is, not that I care, so I grew up in various homes." Magnus said it as if it wasn't a big deal but Alec was so hurt for him, he could never imagine his life with none of his family.

"So do you not have any family? Not even siblings?" Alec asked as Magnus shook his head.

"Nope. No one, don't get me wrong it was hard when I was younger but now I've learned to cope and have amazing friends that are basically family to me" Magnus smiled.

"I don't know what I would do without my mum, sister and brother" Alec replied looking of into the distance at the thought of them before bring himself back to Magnus.

"I didn't know you had a brother? You never told me that the other night" Magnus chuckled remembering Alec's little snores as he fell asleep.

"Yeah he's only a kid, 12 years old. I don't see him or mum as much as I'd like to because they don't live in New York but I'm going there in a couple of months for Christmas. Maybe i-if we erm... i-if we are a-still.. you know... t-together maybe y-you could come with me?" Alec stuttered blushing hard at his offer to Magnus.

"Really? I might just take you up on that Alec" Magnus grinned, displaying his perfect smile that made Alec go all warm inside. Magnus had never been offered to be shown off to a partners family and was over the moon that Alec would even be thinking of it.

"Good. Its a plan" Alec grinned back. "D-do you want to stay tonight? I mean my bed probably not was comfortable as yours so you don't have to but you can if you want?"

"Alexander, do you want me to stay tonight?" Magnus asked.

"Yes" Alec replied shyly.

"Then I'm staying" Magnus answered, leaning over to give Alec a kiss.

Alec had other ideas though and as Magnus went to pull away, Alec pulled his head back and planted his lips on Magnus's beginning a heat make out session. Their tongues wrapped together in an erotic dance and as Magnus angled his head to lick deep inside Alec's mouth, Alec could feel the pleasure growing in his trouser. He wanted to panic but he couldn't he just melted inside and moved so straddle Magnus, who was surprised by the sudden move but soon wrapped his arms around Alec's waist and pulled him closer.

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