47) Shocking

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Magnus's hand flew up to his mouth as he took in Alec's apartment. Looking around in total shook to its appearance.

"Oh my god Alexander... what... what happened here?" Magnus exclaimed as tears filled his eyes.

"Surprise!" Alec said as he stepped round him. "Jace helped"

The room had been filled with rose petals that were scattered along the floor, into the bedroom, on the table and sides as well as scent candles dotted around the place. Magnus's bouquet of roses that he brought were now split into 4 vases and places around the room filling it with the sweet scent. The lights were dimmed and the soft voice of Tom Walker singing Just You and I came through the speaker, wrapping the whole scenery in a beautiful romantic world. Magnus couldn't believe what he was seeing and he looked at Alec.

"What... I don't understand?" Magnus asked, as he wiped away his tears.

"I felt bad for rejecting your proposal, I didn't want you thinking that I didn't love you or something silly like that. So... I texted Jace before we left and dropped a key under my mat so he could let himself into my place so get this all ready. Magnus I need you to know that I love you so much and I want to marry you. Its not like some game to me that we are going to propose back and forth until one of us gives up, it would be you by the way, but I want to propose to you because..." Alec took a deep breath and pulled out a blue velvet box from his jacket pocket and sunk down on one knee looking up at Magnus. "... Magnus. I wanted to propose to you because you deserve the absolute world, you deserve someone who treasures you, who will do anything for you and who accepts you for who you are. You shouldn't be the one to propose because I should be the one who asks you for the privilege of marry you, not the other way round. You are my absolute world, you are a dream come true and you are the love of my life. So Magnus Bane, will you make me the luckiest man alive and will you do me the honour of agreeing to marry me and becoming my husband?"

Alec gulped and looked up at Magnus as he just stared at him. Feeling a fear build in his throat as Magnus didn't answer him, only tears fell from his eyes. It felt like an eternity before Magnus blinked and fell to his knees in front of Alec, stunning him as he wondered what he was doing.

"Alexander, So many things you have just said are simply not true. The day I met you, I knew that I had met an angel and you was something special. When you asked me out, I felt like the most luckiest man in the world. That you had chosen to go on a date with me. I know we have had our problems but it is I who am privileged to have you as my boyfriend. You are incredible. You are sweet, caring, beautiful both inside and out. You will do anything for anyone. Hell, even when you thought you had something to do with Camille's death, you went straight to the police. You didn't run or push it out your mind. You did what you think was right. You always do what you think is right. Even this proposal... you put so much thought into it. I know Jace helped, but I know for a fact that you told him exactly what to do. You are my life, my world and my entire heart. Ill marry you, if you accept my proposal" Magnus reached into his pocket and pulled out his ring box from earlier and held it to Alec.

"Of course Ill marry you" Alec cried as he lunged for Magnus laughing as they fell backwards on the wooden flooring. "I love you. I love you so so much" Alec said as he put his lips to Magnus's holding him there with both hands on his cheeks as he prolonged the kiss.

Pulling away Alec took the ring he brought for Magnus and slid it onto his ring finger. Magnus looked down and examined the the way 2 silver bands twisted around one another's as dark blue diamonds dotted line the centre of the twist along the top. Magnus stroked his finger along the ring as tears filled his eyes and he looked up at Alec.

"I... I... I l-love it..." Magnus cried as he touched Alec's face. "Its the most perfect ring. It puts mine to shame"

Magnus chuckled as he took the ring out the box he got for Alec and slid it onto his ring finger. Alec grinned down as he saw the perfect ring for him. It was a simple black band with a thin strip of silver running around the middle and a thinner blue strip running around the middle of that. Alec looked down and the smile on his face seemed to get bigger the more he looked at it.

"Mags... baby... its absolutely perfect. You couldn't of gotten a better one. Plus it matches up very well with yours. I couldn't of imagined a better ring" Alec beamed as he pushed a quick kiss on Magnus's lips before looking back at the ring.

"I'm so pleased you liked it. I wasn't sure you would. That blue band is diamond as well, so it is very matching with my own. I know you don't like big extravagant stuff so I didn't want to get you something over the top and when I saw this it seemed like the perfect ring for you" Magnus smiled as he looked at Alec's face as he looked at his ring with pure love.

"My fiancé did good" Alec said looking up. "Do you like yours?"

"Like it? Baby. I love it. My fiancé did good too" Magnus chuckled. "Alexander, honestly its absolutely perfect. It so...me."

The two men looked at one another before they pounced for one another, their lips meet as they stood on their knees. Alec hands thrusting into Magnus's hair and tugging so Magnus opened his mouth and Alec could slip his tongue inside, gliding the soft muscle along the walls and roof of Magnus's mouth, tasting him, before it wrapped around the adjoining tongue. Their lips sliding along one another, perfectly matched as if they were the matching jigsaw pieces for each other.

"Baby... do you want to move this to the bedroom?" Magnus asked, as he started putting kisses down Alec's neck.

"Y-yes..." Alec panted as he stood up and held his hand out to Magnus. "Let's make slow gentle love, my fiancé"

Magnus smiled as he stood up and let Alec pull him into the bedroom. Both men's hearts full of love and passion

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