5) Next Morning

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Alec woke up the next morning and looked up, a sudden wave of panic hitting when he realised he wasn't in his own bed but had stayed at Magnus. Looking over next to him, he found Magnus peacefully asleep. His arm draped over Alec's chest and his leg wrapped with one of Alec's.

Not knowing what to do and not wanting to wake the man next to him Alec just laid there, taking in the beautiful face that gently breathed in and out sleepy. Alec hadn't noticed before how perfect Magnus really was. His sleek cut nose, his thin beckoning lips and his eyes that he knew were just mesmerising. He was bare chested, and wondered where his shirt had gone in the night. He was sure they both had shirts on when they went to sleep but now Magnus had a naked top half. Not that Alec minded. He was able to take in the slim but toned man beside him.

Magnus stirred in his sleep rolling on his back and the cover slipped further down allowing Alec to now see his perfect abs. He had held his breath not wanting to move with the fear that Magnus may wake up, now he was holding his breath and the pure shock of how sexy the man was beside him. Each muscle perfect outlined and defined as if it had been photoshopped. It was weird because when Alec pictured himself with a man before, he would always picture somebody who had Magnus's exact figure and that made him all the more turned on. It was if his dreams had come to life.

Turning over suddenly, Magnus sleepily opened his eyes finding Alec starring at him and he smiled.

"See something you like" Magnus muttered while stretching.

"Oh.. erm... morning... you shirt... its gone" Alec stuttered blushing hard to be caught in his gazing.

"Morning and yeah I know. I hate wearing shirts to bed. I took it off after you fell asleep. I normally wake up earlier then this so I assumed you'd still be asleep and I could put it back on. Oh well caught out now" Magnus chuckled.

"No I don't mind. I don't normally sleep with a shirt on either. I just did cause I didn't want to look weird" Alec giggled back. The two men now starring at each other.

"Well you know, you could take it off now..." Magnus smirked giving Alec a wink and making him blush again.

"I would... b-but I need to go and open the shop. I-I already a little late now" Alec stuttered. He had already had an orgasm by this man and kissed him but was still incredible shy and really, he didn't know how to sexy talk.

"That's a shame but I get it. I think your clothes must be in other room by now unless you want to wear something of mine so you look more casual at work" Magnus said, now getting up and letting Alec see him properly.

Alec starred as his pj bottoms hung from his hips, showing off his defined V and small patch of hair that led down under his bottoms. Alec just wished he had the bravery to lunged at Magnus and take him but he wasn't, worried that Magnus would reject his advances.

"You look like you're about to drool" Magnus laughed, pulling Alec out of his thoughts.

"S-sorry" Alec blushed, before standing up and trying to look anywhere but at him.

"Alexander, its fine. You don't have to apologise" Magnus chuckled walking around the bed to stand in front of Alec.

"I-It's just that... you're.. you know.. really h-hot" Alec stumbled over his words feeling his cheeks warm over his words.

"You're not to bad yourself, sexy" Magnus said before resting his hands on Alec's shoulders sending sparks through his body. Leaning up he put his lips to Alec's and gave him a gentle kiss. He was about to pull away when Alec's hand was in his hair and pushing their lips together, hard.

Another hand slid around Magnus's waist and Alec pulled him into his body so their was no gap between them. Running his tongue along Magnus's lower lip so that his tongue would be granted access and soon they was in a full make out session. Alec's hands crept down and cupped Magnus ass while Magnus groaned into the kiss and wrapped his hands in Alec's hair pulling at the roots.

Suddenly Alec was gone, stepping back taking in a deep breath. "S-sorry. I-I shouldn't of done that. I-" Alec was stuttering again, shocked by his own actions.

"Do you always apologise? Because you really don't need to. That was hot and I want to do it again" Magnus let out a heavy breath, gauging Alec's reaction. He was so turned on by Alec that even the sight of him did things for him.

"Y-yes but I don't know what I'm doing. I've never done this before and then we had that moment yesterday which was amazing but confusing and then I'm in your bed and now you kissed me and I just couldn't stop and I-I don't know if these emotions are right or not. Like I want to fuck you but I don't want things to go to fast, plus I don't just sleep with random people I just meet... well I don't sleep with anyone actually... and I..." Alec was stopped by Magnus's lips, kissing him to silence the man that was rapidly talking.

"We can take things slow. Don't worry and there is nothing wrong with that we did yesterday. It's completely normally. You're rambling and panicking for no reason. I enjoy your company and I love making out with you. There's just something about you I can't put my finger on but you've unlocked something in me" Magnus replied smiling softly.

"Okay" Alec replied letting out a deep breath that he hadn't realised he had been holding.

"Now, ill get you some clothes. Then you go to work and what do you say about having dinner with me tonight? No where too... full on. We can to a quiet dinner and just chat if you like. I want you to feel comfortable with me Alexander" Magnus smiled.

"Yeah, thats sounds lovely. Can I take a shower? Alec replied, smiling back at Magnus and starting to relax a little.

"Of course, its through that door" Magnus answered before going into his closet and picking out a pair of underwear, black joggers and a plain brown t-shirt that he had for when he just wanted to chill out or work out in.

"Thanks" Alec said taking the clothes and heading into the bathroom to sort himself out.

Magnus watched as Alec's hips swayed away into the bathroom and when the door shut he shook his head at his bewilderment to find someone so unique and innocent in Brooklyn. Taking his own clothes, he headed into the guest bathroom to take his own shower and get ready.

Once ready, Alec walked out and found Magnus in the kitchen already dressed. Magnus handed him a to go cup of black coffee with a little sweetener added and Alec took a sip.

"My favourite? How did you know?" Alec said, shooting Magnus a puzzled look.

"Your sister called when you was in the shower to see if you was ok and how the date went with us. She was over the moon when I answered and I asked her how you take your coffee so I could surprise you" Magnus smiled, actually blushing a little at his own romantic gesture.

"Oh.. thank you. That's actually really sweet" Alec replied, smiling back making the crinkles around his eyes show up.

"Well I try" Magnus chuckled.

"So I best get going. Thank you again for last night and this morning. Ill see you tonight?" Alec asked.

"Yes, see you tonight" Magnus responded and placed a gentle kiss to the other man lips. With that Alec smiled, said bye one more time and left the building.

Neither men could understand why but the moment the door shut they felt a deep sadness of leaving the other behind.

'Is it normal to feel this needy towards a person' Alec wondered before shaking his head to clear his thoughts and headed to the station to catch the metro to work.

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