52) Mother's Day Part 2

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"I'm Maryse. Alec, I didn't know you was bringing someone with you?" Maryse said firmly, eyeing them both.

"Well it was a last minute decision and I thought you'd like to meet your future son-in-law" Alec stated.

"Ok well. Lets eat" Maryse turned and walked back into the house without saying another word to Magnus or the others.

Alec looked at Magnus before walking next to him into the house, Izzy and Max in front. Izzy could help but look over her shoulder and gave the boys a reassuring smile before they entered.

The Lightwood home wasn't too big or too small, it was the perfect size to house a single mother and her young son. It was homely. Magnus had expected something very posh and luxurious by the way Alec talked about her but this was more of a cozy home he would expect from a nice older lady who loved all her kids no matter what their choice. Unfortunately, the way Maryse had been looking at him, he couldn't see that she was accepting of him and Alec.

"Mrs Lightwood, you have a lovely home. Very warm and welcoming" Magnus smiled. "These are for you. Happy Mother's Day" Magnus handed her the bouquet and she shot her eyebrows up looking at them.

"Erm... thank you. These are lovely. I'm surprised you are here today and not with your own mother though?" Maryse asked before regretting what she said by the silence that fell across the room. Alec glaring at her while Izzy looked wide eyed waiting for Magnus's reaction.

"Well actually, my mother died when I was a child and my step father... well the less said about him the better" Magnus chuckled hoping to lighten the mood.

"Oh. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me and my mouth" Maryse said, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry for your loss"

"Thank you Mrs Lightwood. Honestly, its okay though. You weren't to know. Maybe if we had met before hand or you had known I excited apart from today, you might have" Magnus smiled as Alec rolled his eyes.

"That is really true. Alec, why didn't I know you was even dating someone?" Maryse questioned.

"Well...erm... I... Mum you never seemed keen on me being gay and I just thought you would get all...judgemental" Alec sighed.

"I don't care that you are gay, ok, it was a shock at first because of the whole Lydia and marriage but... I just want you to be happy" Maryse smiled walking to her son and hugging him, surprising... well everybody.

"Thank you Mum. That means a lot. I am happy" Alec beamed back relaxing immediately.

"See I told you you should of told her about me. I'm a delight. Who couldn't love me?" Magnus winked making the other smile and Alec smirk at him.

"Come on lets eat. We are all starving" Max groaned rubbing at his empty stomach and heading to the dining room. Everyone followed and looked at the spread that was laid before them.

"I kept everything warm while we waited so lets eat" Maryse smiled as she took her seat and the other followed suit, Magnus sitting next to Alec while Max and Izzy sat across from them. Maryse at the top of the table.

The whole meal was going well, everyone joked and laughed. Magnus and Izzy flowing most of the conversation with work talk and new lines that were coming out in the fashion and make up world. Alec and Max every now and then catching each other's eyes and giving each other a bored look before rolling their eyes. Maryse was asking questions and learning about Magnus's life and Alec couldn't of been happier. The way his fiancé and his mother bonded was all he could wish for. As much hard work as she was, he loved her dearly and he just wanted them to get along.

"Alexander, thank you for bringing me. This has been the best Mother's Day I have had since my mother passed." Magnus smiled and placed a hand on Alec's knee giving it a loving squeeze.

"So have you two set a date yet?" Maryse asked.

"No, we haven't actually discussed anything" Alec shrugged sipping his wine.

"What? Really? You have so much to do. Why haven't you started planning?" Izzy asked appalled by her brothers calmness

"Calm down Iz, we got engaged yesterday. Besides, we want to sort a house together first then discuss wedding plan" Alec said rolling his eyes.

"There's no rush Isabelle. We will get married when the times is right." Magnus smiled looking up at Alec who smiled back.

"I love hearing someone use my children's full names. Isabelle doesn't normally care but Alec. I'm surprised by. Not even I can call him by his full name" Maryse laughed.

"And you never will" Alec chuckled back.

"Really? Alexander why don't you like your full name being used, it's beautiful" Magnus smiled as Alec instantly blushed hard that Magnus had complimented him in front of his entire family.

"Stop it" Alec said crinkling his mouth up to stop the smile that was crack across his face.

"You two are adorable" Maryse grinned watching her son lovingly "Alec I'm so pleased you finally found someone. Honestly I thought you was going to be alone forever"

"Wait what? Why?" Alec asked puzzled.

"You never had a relationship except Lydia and you two were never affectionate together. I get it now but at the time it was odd. Then you ran out of your wedding. Honestly, I just thought that you'd grow old with a house full of animals" Maryse chuckled.

"Gee thanks for the vote of confidence mum" Alec chuckled back shaking his head.

"Well I for one am pleased you never met anyone until me because that would of be one hell of an awkward train journey" Magnus chuckled back

"Is that how you two met? Why would of it had been awkward?" Maryse asked intrigued.

Magnus launched into the whole story of how he had spotted Alec and their whole train journey. Alec blushing slightly every now and then to hear what Magnus thought about him when they first met.

"Can you imagine if you wasn't single Alec? How would you of coped with man hitting on you?" Izzy laughed knowing how socially awkward her brother can be, especially with flirting. "You're the type of dork to just press the emergency stop button just to have an escape route"

"Shut up Iz. I'm not that bad" Alec frowned realising his sister was probably right because he had no idea what to do in situations except to run away.

"To be fair.. you're sister is right. You do like to run away when you are uncomfortable" Magnus shrugged smiling.

"What is this? Pick on Alec night?" Alec groaned.

"What are you talking about? We always pick on you?" Max added, joining in.

"Don't you start. You meant to be on my side little brother" Alec moaned but then laughing with everyone else around the table.

It was about 4 hours later that Magnus and Alec decided to call it a night. They had given Maryse her canvas and hugged her as she cried making them promise to do another with the pair of them in it instead before they left heading back to Alec's apartment for the night since his was closer.

Magnus rested his head of Alec's shoulder in the back of the cab with Alec laying his head on top of Magnus's and playing with the rings on his fingers. Magnus happily watching as he twirled them around.

"Today was perfect. Thank you" Alec smiled.

"Thank you for letting me come. Honestly your mum is lovely." Magnus replied.

"I know.. its weird. She was so cold and distant. I haven't seen her in month, last time was just after her divorce with dad. Maybe shes changed" Alec sighed as he started to play with the engagement ring.

"Well lets hope she is a changed woman because she's so fantastic and clearly she absolutely adores you and the other" Magnus said turning his head and capturing Alec lips. "But not as much as I adore you"

"Oh you!" Alec smirked, pleased when the cab pulled up outside his apartment block as he wanted to snuggle with Magnus. As soon as they was inside, both men went to bed and did exactly that. Cuddled together as they fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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