74) Unexpected Surprise

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Alec and Magnus made it back to their room and had taken a shower before dressing into their suits that Magnus made them wear because they was going for a fancy dinner. Alec was a little surprised to find the suit in a pale light blue in linen fabric. Perfect for the hot weather, which Alec was pleased about considering hot muggy the air was there.

"So where are we going?" Alec asked as they travelled down the elevator to the lobby floor.

"Thats a surprise" Magnus smiled, taking Alec's hand which Alec noticed was a little sticky but guessed it was because it was hot.

"I love your outfit" Alec complimented, the pale purple linen suit that matched the purple tips of Magnus's hair. His make up in its usual smoky look but with the added hue of purple too.

"Thank you baby. I'm pleased you like them. They are BANE designs. One of a kind" Magnus beamed, seeing Alec's eye brows shoot up in surprise.

"Your company made these? They are incredible!" Alec gushed out, feeling the material on his arms.

"Correction. I made these" Magnus blushed slightly under the new information as Alec smile went from small to completely megawatt.

"Holy shit. You are amazing. These are beautiful. Thank you so much. I love it. My new treasured possession, one to add to the collection" Alec beamed.

"Have you got many treasured possessions?" Magnus asked, intrigued.

"Apart from you and now this suit. The rest are secrets" Alec winked. "Anyway. Why are we walking to the beach?"

"I thought we could eat outside tonight" Magnus smiled. "But I do have to do something first. Can you wait here for like 2 minutes while I set something up? I'll text you when you can come round the corner"

"Ok?" Alec replied quizzically, now seeing the nervousness on Magnus's face.

"You promise you won't come round that corner until I text you?" Magnus demanded. Not really asking Alec but telling him.

"I promise" Alec said, holding up three fingers. "Scouts honour"

"You was in the scouts?" Magnus smiled.

"No" Alec laughed. "Go on. I'm impatient"

"Fine but it will all be worth it" Magnus smiled, kissing Alec on the cheek before rushing off. In his head thinking: I hope its worth it.

Alec stood there for what felt like an eternity. Checking his phone periodically, waiting for the text. He had sensed Magnus was off this whole time, could feel his nervousness and now he had ran off and told him to wait, Alec felt it rubbing off on him. Eventually his phone buzzed telling him to come round the corner and Alec took off, taking big steps as he got the corner. Taking a big breath, he came into view and the scenery that was in front of him had him taking a step back.

In front of Alec was all his friends and family, sitting on pews of white chairs with the sun setting in front of them. A white arched was placed in the sand woven with purple and blue ribbon and flowers whilst Purple and blue flowers stood in the vases at the end of the rows of seat. Magnus was standing at the beginning of the long black carpet that led up to the arch. His breath hitching as he slowly took steps forward to see Magnus with a worried look on his face. It was then that he noticed Catarina standing at his side in a floor length purple dress and Maryse in a floor length blue one. Both matching the men's suits. Izzy, Clary and Madzie all stood in matching dresses to Catarina with Madzie holding a basket of blue and purple rose petals. Jace, Simon, Luke and Max was standing there too in the same suits as Alec just with a few altercations so that Alec stood out more with his silver woven stitching. Theres being plain.

"M-Magnus... w-whats going on?" Alec asked, swallowing the lump in his throat as tears threatened his eyes knowing exactly what was happening.

"Do you really think I would bring you here without marrying you my love?" Magnus smiled softly, coming forward and placing a hand on Alec's cheek. "I'm sorry I lied to you this morning. I.. I just wanted it to be a surprise. Please don't be mad at me"

"Mad at you? Why the hell would I be mad at you? This is... this is a dream come true. Its perfect. I'm so happy right now. I love you so much. More then anything and anyone" Alec said before hearing a gasp from his sister.

"Excuse me? Anyone?" Izzy pouted, throwing her hands in the air before they all laughed.

"Sorry Iz. Its true though. You look beautiful by the way" Alec smiled, walking over to kiss his sister on the cheek and hug her.

"I love you my big bro. I'm so happy for you. Now get off me because you are messing up my hair and I'm hot" Izzy chuckled.

"Wait.. what about the shop?" Alec blurted out.

"Alec!" His siblings and mother exclaimed.

"Alexander. Please trust me when I say I have sorted it out. Now stop worrying and make me the happiest man in the world by getting your butt down this aisle and marrying me" Magnus chuckled, taking Alec's hand and kissing down his knuckles.

"Let's do this" Alec grinned. Getting all excited like a kid at Christmas, but better because this was for life, everyday. Simon taking off to start up his piano and getting everything ready while everyone else took their positions. Alec looking over to Magnus when a sudden question hit him. "I got to ask... how did you get my suit perfect made for me even when I didn't do a fitting?"

"Alexander..." Magnus smirked, pulling Alec down to him to whisper in his ear so no one else heard. "...I've been making love to you nearly every single day of our relationship. I've touched and stroked every inch of you. I could draw your body in my sleep. Me making a suit to fit you was incredibly easy"

"You... are amazing" Alec chuckled, kissing Magnus on the lips before feeling a whack on his arm and flinching to see his mother standing there. Immediately panicking that she had over heard Magnus's words.

"You have plenty of time to kiss. Now let go of each other for five minutes so I can get a hot shot son-in-law" Maryse teased making Alec shakes his head playful and Magnus laugh.

"I'm sorry, mother-in-law. I will keep my hands to myself" Magnus promised, walking over to take Catarina's side while Alec to Maryse.

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